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Our Family Page

Hey!! Its Amanda and Ben. I thought I would tell you a little bit about our families. Lets start out with my side of the family..*amanda* Well I guess i will have to start off with my mom...her name is Eileen...she is 34..her birthday is April 4th 1965. She was 19 years old when she had me. Her hobbies include playing on the computer..chatting..watching tv...listening to music(mostly rock) If you are interested in talking to my mom her icq number is 25460919 or you can reach her on yahoo pager leenie_s and if you are a fellow vp chatter --leenie--. The next person in my family I will speak about is my dad. He is 41...his birthday is December 21st 1958. His name is Richard and he works at a docking company here in toronto.He likes to listen to music and The next person would be my brother Mark.. He is 10 yrs old and his birthday is on April 4th 1989...He loves pokemon and plays the gameboy game and collects the cards..I am not sure of his icq number but you can reach him on yahoo pager mark89_98 or through e I will just mention a couple more family members as I go on..My cousins Matthew and Daniel and My Aunt Debbie and Uncle Dave. They live here in Toronto and are the craziest people I know and Ben can agree with me on that.Well I will leave a lil space here for Ben to add some stuff about his family. You can look in the pictures section to see pics of some of my family members!Bye for now. Hi...its ben now...well i cant top amanda's family but here goes. I live with my dad for now till me and amanda get to live together...his name is benny just like me he is um 45 his b-day is may 7th... my mom lives in theodore,al about 45 mins away with her husband bob...nobody likes him but her...he is very sarcastic...anyways she is hmmm 40 i think.... my uncle randy lives 2 mins away with his wife brenda and two children morgan and matthew...only one left is my sister carol...she is 26 or 27 i forget... she just moved into a house with her mother for now...till she can find a place of her own...she works at delchamps....we all live in or around the mobile, alabama area... a long ways from toronto but that doesnt matter love knows no boundaries =) The End.

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