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Well I suppose if you already know me and Ben very well you wont need to read this section...but if perhaps u dont this section is for and find out about the crazy couple that own this page! Name: Amanda Leigh Age:15 Location:Toronto Ontario Canada D.O.B.:August.22 1984 Music:Rock and Alternative Hobbies:Chatting online..listening to music...hanging out with my friends and spending time with my sweetheart Ben. Grade:10 Fav subject:Drama Fav Band:Green Day Fav food:Cheese Clothes:..modrobes..Nike.Adidas Description: Reddish-brown hair..brown eyes..5'8...145lbs Most memorable moment:The first time I met Ben and How much I knew I was in love Most embarrassing moment:When my pants fell down in the parking lot...luckily it was Pets:Cat..Smokey Personal Quote: True Love will always come back to you... Well thats about all you need to kno to tell I am a really and truely a normal Next on the schedule is Ben..find out some more about that mysterious guy...or is he really Name: Benny "most call me Ben though" Age:19 Location:Satsuma, Alabma D.O.B.:July, 5th 1980 Music:Same as Amanda Hobbies:Chatting online..listening to music...and spending time with my Baby Amanda. Grade:would be junior in college right now...but i decided to go to work for a bit Fav subjects:Science and math Fav Band:BSB =) Fav food:Anything really Clothes: balace tennis shoes Description: brown eyes..6'2"...300lbs Most memorable moment:The first time we kissed Most embarrassing moment:When i fell in the ice... but amanda helped me up Pets:Dog...Sunshine Personal Quote: I dont really have one yet... maybe I love you gremlin ass =)

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