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From 1968-1973 The Classic shiny chrome bumpers ended.

In 1969 the 250,000th Corvette rolled off the

production line( It was a gold corvette).

The 1970 Corvette

This here is the 1971 Corvette

And the 1972 Model Corvette

And Finally the 1973 Corvette


*March 14,1977- The 500,000th Corvette rolled off the production line.

*June 1,1981- Corvette production began in Bowling Green, Ky. First car to roll off was beige.

*Aug. 1,1981- The last corvette rolled off the production line in St.Louis, Mo.

*1988- National Corvette Museum Foundation Established

*Jan. 1989- A CERV1 is offered for sale at an auction in Monterey, CA. Bid reached U.S. $1.2 million, but the owner wanted U.S. $1.6 million

*1989- Gene Schiavone of Washington State buys a Grand Sport 001 from Jim Pervis for U.S. $1.2 million

*June 2,1990- Ground Breaking on the National Corvette Museum began

*Jan. 1990- At an auction held in Scottsdale, AZ. there was a top shape 1953 Corvette that sold for U.S.$125,000

*March 1990- Dennis Amodeo, winner of 36 Corvettes through a V-H1 contest in 1989, sold them to artist Peter Max for about U.S.$1.5 million

*July 2, 1992- Corvette Americana Hall Of Fame opens in Cooperstown, NY

*Sep.2, 1994- National Corvette Museum opends in Bowling Green, Ky. Over a 3 day weekend 4000 vettes visited, & 118,000 people visited

*Sep.8, 1998- The president of the St.Louis Cardinals presented Mark McGwire with a red 1962 Corvette after his 62nd homerun

*2000- A 1969 Coupe with L88 engine sold for U.S. $ 107,000

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