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late nights and early mornings

well i'll relay this little bit it happens more than i'd like to admit, late at night she knocks on my door shes drunk again and lookin to score...

mmm....nights...when its late....
It has come to my attention that at night wen its late...i lose all social inhibitions...and sometimes my consiousness...Seriously, I do bad, well not bad, but not good, things when i'm tired or its dark. Darkness is like some sort of alcohol or barbituate that lets me dodmb things i never would really do...
Such as...
Talk to stranger..(haha, kidding i do this all the time)
Tell 3 hour long pointless stories to people who don't care
Strip for strangers(hehe, funny bumbersticker)
Tell crazy people where i live
agree to meet crazy people....then not show up once its light
Tell people how i really feel about them (true story)
not having enough sense to stop talking to a 54 year old pervert who keeps talking about his penis and how its touchin the screen....ewwwwwwww
do bad....things on a web cam
Thats enough for now, but later i will tell all....if its still dark. This is robyn just so you don't think mels, which she is, but not really.
Thought I'd let you go home
