mmm....nights...when its late....
It has come to my attention that at night wen its late...i lose all social inhibitions...and sometimes my consiousness...Seriously, I do bad, well not bad, but not good, things when i'm tired or its dark. Darkness is like some sort of alcohol or barbituate that lets me dodmb things i never would really do...
Such as...
Talk to stranger..(haha, kidding i do this all the time)
Tell 3 hour long pointless stories to people who don't care
Strip for strangers(hehe, funny bumbersticker)
Tell crazy people where i live
agree to meet crazy people....then not show up once its light
Tell people how i really feel about them (true story)
not having enough sense to stop talking to a 54 year old pervert who keeps talking about his penis and how its touchin the screen....ewwwwwwww
do bad....things on a web cam
Thats enough for now, but later i will tell all....if its still dark. This is robyn just so you don't think mels, which she is, but not really.
Thought I'd let you go home