Web Journal for the Greatest Club on Earth only not really
Sunday, March 14th
Hey there, finally i write something. SO yesterday there i am drinking a bottle of something or other and i find myself on the floor with no pants on, then i realize wait this is floor cleaner, not a drink. damn. not again. so i drove in and out of traffic the the hospital, OR SO I THOUGHT, but really it was a gas station OR SO I THOUGHT, it was really just a phone booth. so i called my cell phone to make sure it worked. and whew, thank God it did.
Tuesday, October 14th
Well today we finally broke into the Purple Frownies Club and successfully spray-painted red smileys all over their equipment. Now maybe they'll think twice the next time ttry to turn their Anger Ray on us, heh heh! WHAT THE?! i didn't do this, i am the mad. but i was chased by the pinata....
Monday, October 13th
my eyes burn, what do i do....i do not know, but i want to have fun. i have muscles, only not really. patrick star is my lover, you know it, and i like to drink juice, and my little ponys. i am thinking about making dinner....mel is cute so i will bake her a pony, cause they are cute too. HAHA ponys....