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The House of Niccoló

Set a hundred years before the Lymond Chronicles,
this story has ties - geneological, thematic and occult - to the Lymond series.
I liked the Lymond series better, though many Dunnett fans, especially those
who read the Nicholas books first, prefer them.

1. Niccoló Rising 
Title: Niccolo Rising
Date: 1986
Series: Nicholas - book 1
Setting: Bruges and Italy
Time: 1459
Synopsis:  A clownish young dyeshop apprentice named Claes sets out to better his lot in life, and in doing so makes powerful friends, finds powerful lovers, and creates powerful enemies.
My favourite line:  "As far as the Dauphin is concerned, I'd never expect to deceive him. For a prince, he's far too astute."
Best character: Claes
ISBN 0 394-53107-8

The beginning:
Chapter 1

   From Venice to Cathay, from Seville to the Gold Coast of Africa, men anchored their ships and opened their ledgers and weighed one thing against another as if nothing would ever change.  Or as if there existed no sort of fool, of either sex, who might one day treat trade (trade!) as an amusement.
   It began mildly enough, the awkward chain of events that was to upset the bankers so much.  It began with sea, and September sunlight, and three young men lying stripped to their doublets in the Duke of Burgundy's bath.

The map from the inside front cover of Niccoló Rising, showing the setting.


2. The Spring of the Ram
Title: The Spring of the Ram
Date: 1987
Series: Nicholas - book 2
Setting: The Mediterranean, Trebizond and Turkey
Time: 1461
Synopsis:  Nicholas and his trading companions offer their services to the Emperor of Trebizond, to help him resist the pending Turkish invasion.  But a trading rival from Genoa, with a personal vendetta against Nicholas, changes the stituation and Nicholas must fight for his own life and career and the trust of his friends.
My favourite line:  He was to face the Emperor of the eastern Greek world, and he employed his only real rule. Put yourself in the other man's place.  War and trade; love and freedom from love -- it was the way to success in them all.  When he failed, it was because he had forgotten it.  Or, occasionally,k because someone was better at it than he was.  But only occasionally.
Best character: Pagano Doria
ISBN 0 7181-2803-6

The beginning:
Chapter 1

   Catherine de Charetty, having chosen a lover just after the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (a festival highly regarded in Bruges), was much put out tol earn that, at nearly thirteen, she did not possess all the required qualifications.  She began immediately praying for puberty.


 3. Race of Scorpions
Title: Race of Scorpions
Date: 1980
Series: Nicholas - book 3
Setting: Cyprus
Time: 1462-1464
Synopsis:  Shanghaied to Cyprus by the Venetians and a beautiful courtesan named Primaflora, Nicholas helps Cyprus' kind Zacco against the Turks -- but ghosts from his past in Bruges come to plague him even there.
My favourite line:  "You think of Nicholas as an adventurer.  He is a man who maims, I have told you, for sport."
Best character: Zacco
ISBN 0 7181 3209 2

The beginning:
Chapter 1

   That November, God sent snow to north Italy,. to the inconvenience of all who had to travel on horseback.  The way between Porretta and Bologna became choked, and only the robust cared to use it.  Among these was the friar Ludovico de Severi da Bologna who set out from Porretta one evening in a mood of ferocious good humour.  The snow had brought him good luck.


4. Scales of Gold
Title: Scales of Gold
Date: 1991
Series: Nicholas - book 4
Setting: Portugal, Africa and the Low Countries
Time: 1464-1468
Synopsis:  Meeting a greater trading challenge than ever before, Nicholas sails to Africa with companions from Bruges, including the high-born Gelis von Borselen and his former servant, Loppe.  Africa changes Nicholas, and his life, forever.
My favourite line:  "He sent his entire family to dismantle mine.  Isn't that the whole object of being in business?"
Best Character: Bel
ISBN 0 7181 3208 4

The beginning:
Chapter 1

   To those who remembered him, it was typical that Nicholas should sail into Venice just as the latest news reached the Rialto, causing the ducat to fall below fifty groats and dip against the écu.  Instead of leading the welcome party, Gregorio sent Cristoffels to St. Mark's Basin instead, with a group of senior officals who didn't know Nicholas.  He hoped Christoffels remembered what his employer looked like.


5. The Unicorn Hunt
Title: The Unicorn Hunt
Date: 1993
Series: Nicholas - book 5
Setting: Scotland, Tyrol, Egypt
Time: 1468-1471
Synopsis:  With Scotland now his base of operations, Nicholas fights the plots of his enemies and takes up the war with his wife and the search for his son.
My favourite line:  Nicholas unshackled was thought to represent a challenge to normal society.  himself, he preferred Nicholas free.
Best character: Henry de St. Pol
ISBN 0 7181 3211 4

The beginning:
Chapter 1

   Henry had often considered killing his grandfather; there was so much of him, and Henry disliked all of it.
   Today the impulse came abck quite strongly when, sticking hs head upside down through the caement, he discovered the old man himself riding over the Kilmirren drawbridge.  He could see his big hat, and the pennants, and the baggage-mules, and the men in half-armour to protect what was in all the boxes.  They hadn't sounded the trumpets, and below in the courtyard people were scampering in every direction, attempting to help with the horses or even running away. No one liked Henry's grandfather.


 6. To Lie With Lions
Title: To Lie With Lions
Date: 1995
Series: Nicholas - book 6
Setting: Scotland, Iceland
Time: 1471
Synopsis:  Nicholas continues his domestic battle on the personal front, while using Scotland as his setting, weapon and plaything in the financial and political arena.
My favourite line:  "Divided loyalty is an upsetting thing, with or without halibut-oil."
Best character: Kathi
ISBN 0 7181 3210 6

The beginning:
Part I: Summer, 1471
Prologue: The Chute of Lucifer
Chapter 1

   Among the richer class of dealers and traders, the kidnapping of the heir to a bank signifies trouble.  Some investors snatch back their ducats at once, assuming that half an ear and a ransom note are about to arrive at the counting-house.  Those with propositions to make do not make them.  Invitations dro off. The market oscillates; the Bourse proceeds to lose bottom.
   Finding itself assailed by such rumours in Venice, the Banco di Niccoló took immediate measures to quash them.  Fortunately, its management was adroit. Busienss clients were calmed by Gregorio, the company lawyer.  The well born were embraced by the handsome notary Julius, and left heartened.  THe heir to the Banco di Niccoló, they all learned, was aged two. And the kidnapper was the Bank's founder himself, the child's legitimate father.


7. Caprice and Rondo
Title: Caprice and Rondo
Date: 1997
Series: Nicholas - book 7
Setting: Poland, Burgundy, Turkey
Time: 1474
Synopsis:  Nicholas in exile takes up the reigns of old responsibilities,  with the help and interference of the pirate-patriot Benecke, Adorne's intrepid niece Kathi, and the mysterious woman who married Julius, Anna.
My favourite line:  "Kathi was right to keep me speechless. You can't possibly understand.  All I can say is what I said to her.  I am sorry.  Go away.  Expect nothing. But believe that I am sorry."
Best character: Jodi
ISBN 0 7181 0081 6

The beginning:
Part 1: Polonaise

   The wind blew from the north, from Siberia, and the clatter of hail on his shutters woke the captain.  He had only been in bed for an hour, but land noises disturbed him.  He grunted, considered, then dragged on his robe and, without taking a lamp, made his way to the leeward side of the villa.  He had built this one only last year, and put in a brick chimney-wall: warmth from the stove below mellowed the air and his mood, although his throat was wrugn dry, an dhe was still wearing his wrinked day shirt and hose, as when he had droped - or been dropped - on his bed.


8. Gemini
Title: Gemini
Date: 2000
Series: Nicholas - book 8
Setting: Scotland
Time: 1477
Synopsis:  Back in Scotland, Nicholas becomes a player in the troubled games of the Scots royal family, and with Anselm Adorne he plays a part in the shifting of history as Scotland, France and England play at war and politcs.
My favourite line:    Gelis said, "If he were an ordinary person, it wouldn't matter."
   And Nicholas said, "He struck the King.  If he were an ordinary person, he would be dead."
Best character: Tam Cochrane
ISBN 0 -718-16083-4

The beginning:
Chapter 1

   From Venice to Caffa, from Antwerp to the Gold Coast of Africa, merchants anchored their ships and unloaded their cannon and flipped open their ledgers as if in twenty years nothing had changed, and nothing was about to change now.  As if old men did not die, or younger ones grow up, eventually.  There was no fool in Europe, these days, who treated trade as a joke.  All that sort were long sobered, or dead.  Or were temporarily unavailable like Nicholas de Fleury, who had removed himself to the kingdom of Scotland, far to the north of the real world of pretty women, and international intrigue, and the benefits of social and financial success.
   North of the real world, it was noticed quite soon that Nicholas the Burgundian was back.

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