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BoOk Of CoNtEnTs

Just to touch on a little bit on where my baby pictures came about...they are pictures taken from various Tom Arma and Anne Geddes Fan Sites...they are two of the very established baby photographers in the whole world. Feel free to explore the official site of Anne Geddes by clicking on her name up above!~
Click on the mailbox to send an email to me!~

The Site Fights Pages...

The Site Fights!!
DRealm Of DFairies
DRealm Of DSpirit

My tOm ArMa's Baby Pages

tOm ArMa's Animal Babies 1...
tOm ArMa's Animal Babies 2...

My aNne gEdDes Baby Pages...

aNne gEdDes' Baby Dolls Gallery
aNne gEdDes' Works 1...
aNne gEdDes' Works 2...
aNne gEdDes' Works 3...
aNne gEdDes' Works 4...
aNne gEdDes' Works 5...
aNne gEdDes' Works 6...