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By Bardly

This story contains a little angst, some violence, and somewhat frantic love between two women (nothing explicit, sorry). If any of these things might upset you, read no further. Everyone in this tale belongs to MCA/Universal & Renaissance Pictures.

    Frustration can do strange things to anyone, even a bard and a warrior princess.

    It had been a tiring month. Crucified, dead, resurrected, chased by war gods, attacked by practically everybody. It didn't
leave much time for extracurricular activities, and Gabrielle had had just about enough abstinence.

    So, she developed a plan to get Xena alone and in the right mood. Step one was complete: Xena was seated across from her at a tavern table, mug of port in hand.

    Gabrielle smirked slightly as she reached down and slipped off one boot. She knew Xena usually sat with her knees slightly parted and took immediate advantage of that knowledge.

    Xena clamped her lips down hard on a mouthful of port when Gabrielle's bare toe slid into the warm space between the warrior's legs. She replaced her mug on the table with slow deliberation and glared at the bard.

    Gabrielle's toe began to circle an extremely warm spot. Xena barely managed to swallow without choking.
"But A-Amarice and Joxer...."

    " I sent them on an errand. They won't be back till morning. I got us a room here, but first, we have dinner, and I have you -- right here, right now, no arguments."

    Xena also felt the frustration of the past weeks and these sensations were quickly overpowering the warrior.

    Gabrielle grinned as Xena's eyes closed and a sound very like a purr erupted from her chest.

    Gabrielle's right arm snapped to the side and her hand closed around a crossbow bolt. She let the movement carry her around as she launched it back at the scruffy little man who'd fired it.

    The bolt smacked him right across the bridge of his nose. He barely had time to uncross his eyes before he was pinned back against the table by one very pissed-off bard.

    "You just interrupted a private conversation!'' Gabrielle's sais were crossed over his throat, the points digging into the table. Her right knee, and most of her weight, pushed into his chest.  No one seemed to notice that the bard was missing a boot, but more than one nose wrinkled at the pungent evidence of his fear. Gabrielle stood back and snapped, "Get out of here!" He ran as though Cerberus was at his heels.

    Gabrielle turned and snapped at the server, "When our dinner is done, bring it upstairs. Just knock and leave it outside the door. We'll get it when we're ready."

    With that, she grabbed Xena's arm and pulled her across the room and up the stairs.

    The others in the tavern looked at each other in shock.

    "Warrior Princess my ass. She is whipped!"

    "Shut up! She'll come back down here and kill us all!"


    "No, you idiot, the Amazon!"

    Gabrielle held Xena by the arm all the way up to their room. Slamming the door behind them, she turned and backed the warrior against it. The aggressive bard quickly unclasped Xena's armor and started on her leathers before the armor even hit the floor. She snarled when the warrior grabbed her hands.


    "What?!?" The bard frantically tried to pull her wrists from Xena's grasp.

    "Thank you for saving my life."

    "Yeah, whatever. You would've caught it anyway. Now leggo!" Gabrielle didn't know why Xena was so talkative all of a sudden, but her timing stunk.
    "I didn't hear it."

    Gabrielle's heart lurched. "What?"

    "I didn't hear that crossbow bolt. I didn't see it. I didn't know it was there until you caught it."

    "You didn't...." All the blood drained from the bard's face. Her knees buckled, but Xena caught her before she collapsed.
    "Gods! That bolt was aimed right at your heart -- you would have died and it would have been my fault!" Gabrielle threw her arms around Xena's neck and sobbed into her chest.

    The warrior scooped up the crying bard and gently carried her to the bed. "Hey, I'm okay. I'm right here." She stroked Gabrielle's short hair and kissed her softly.

    "But you said never in public because it's too dangerous, and I just ignored that. Oh Gods, I'm so sorry!" Gabrielle hiccupped as her tears tapered off.

    "Hey,  you aren't  the only one who gets frustrated! This wasn't your fault. Besides, I've felt a little off ever since we came back from the dead. At least I know I have someone to protect me." She smiled reassuringly down into Gabrielle's face.

    The bard reached up and cupped Xena's face in both hands. "Look, you've got to promise me...."

    "Sure, I promise. Whatever." Xena lowered her lips to capture Gabrielle's.

    Much later, two damp and naked entwined bodies lightly stroked each other. "So what did I promise?"

    "Don't worry. I'll think of something."