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Gridiron Princess II -- Loose Ends

by Bardly

Please, please, please see the disclaimers in part one.  There's all that in this one, only more so.

Physical love warning: To be expected now that the main characters have pledged their love to one another.

Special twisted creep warning: there is a section in which an especially sick psychopath does horrible things to one of the main characters. You may not want to read that part -- it gave me nightmares while I was writing it. I'll put a line of asterisks in front and at the end of that section.

    Raised voices carried up and down the hospital corridors.
    "I will NOT go back to that house! Do you have the slightest idea what that bastard has been doing to me there?"
    "Mrs. Miller, you can't seriously expect...."
    "Kelli, perhaps it would be best for you to give my daughter and me some space. Why don't you wait outside."
    "Kelli, you don't have to..." Slam! "Great, Mom! You just threw out the only friend I have left!" In truth, Kelli was a great deal more than a friend, but Gina had no intention of revealing that to a mother she no longer trusted.
    "Really, Gina, it's your own fault. A girl playing football, I mean really. No wonder you ended up having to play all these perverted little games to get the boys to notice you."
    Gina felt her whole body go cold. "What the Hell are you talking about?"
    "George told me about how you've been carrying on with the boys on the team. Whips and tying each other up and all. I can't believe you'd embarrass me like this."
    "Then don't believe it! George is a lying son of a bitch! He's been raping and torturing me for months, and not only do you believe him instead of me but you went to visit him first!"
    "Watch your language, young lady. And of course I visited him, he's my husband. Now, I'm going to talk to your doctor. Please think about how this is affecting our family. I'm sure you'll be happier if you tell the police the truth."
    She left the room and Gina gaped at the door in shock. Her own mother didn't believe her, and would put Gina right back into her tormentor's hands unless there was evidence of George's crimes. Tears started rolling down her cheeks.

    Kelli stomped down the hallway as far as the bathroom. She turned and stared at the door for a minute, then headed back with a determined look on her face. She saw Mrs. Miller leave the room and followed her. When Gina's mother went into the doctor's office, Kelli slipped behind the door to listen. Ordinarily, she would never consider eavesdropping, but Mrs. Miller's attitude was so off kilter that Kelli wasn't about to trust her with decisions about the woman she loved.   The doctor's voice drifted out into the corridor.
    "Did you tell her?"
    "I don't see why we should upset her with this. Just go ahead and schedule the procedure we discussed."
    "Irene, you have to tell her! Even if she were still a minor you couldn't go forward without her knowledge, but she's eighteen now. I can't perform an abortion without her signature."
    'Gina's pregnant? Oh God, hasn't she been through enough already? And her own mother wants to kill the baby without even asking her!' Kelli ran back to Gina's room as quickly and quietly as she could. When she slipped in through the door, she saw that Gina was crying again. 'Oh boy. How am I going to tell her?' "Gina."
    The dark-haired girl's head snapped up, and she regarded her love with a baleful smile. "I'm sorry about my mother."
    "Not as sorry as I am," Kelli growled.  Gina was shocked. She'd never seen Kelli this angry. Storm clouds gathered in her eyes. "We have to get you released right now, Gina. Then you're coming home with me."
    "What did my mother do now?"
    "Please, let's just get out of here. I'll explain later."
    "I think you'd better tell me now." Gina was starting to lose her temper. Her life had been out of her control for so long that she wasn't going to take orders blindly, not even from Kelli. The blond was stunned by Gina's anger, and there was silence for a strained moment. "Did she find out I'm pregnant?"
    Kelli's jaw dropped. "How did you know?"
    "I wasn't sure. I'm a couple of weeks late. I suspected."
    "Your mother is trying to get the doctor to abort the baby! We've got to get you out of here!"
    "Why?" Gina asked numbly.
    "WHY?!?" Kelli roared.
    "I don't want his child. It's too bad he didn't kick me a few more times and get rid of it himself."
    "Bu-bu-but it's a baby! And it's part of you. You can't be serious!"
    "Kelli, you weren't going to give me a choice either! This is my life and my decision. I can't have a psychotic bastard's child! My God, how could you expect me to go through with that! " Gina started to rise from the bed as her anger grew.
    With a sob, Kelli ran from the room. She didn't see Gina fall back into the bed and curl in on herself in pain and anguish.

    When the doctor finally came to ask Gina how she wanted to handle her condition, she asked if she could be left alone until tomorrow to think about it. Her mother was furious, but the doctor managed to hustle her out before she caused too much of a scene.
    Gina was relieved when her other friends stopped by to visit later that afternoon. Steph sat on one side of the bed. "I wish you had told us what was happening, Gina." Steph laid her hand on Gina's uninjured shoulder and squeezed softy.
    "Yeah, we would have come over and kicked his ass," growled Perry.
    Hannah perched on the other side of Gina's bed. ''And stuck him in a box and mailed him to Timbuktu. What a bastard."
    Gina smiled weakly at her friends. Perry and Hannah together probably could have bested George, especially with Gina helping. And Steph, well, Gina had never actually seen her fight, but her reputation was legendary. As a freshman she'd been ambushed by five girls after school. Broken noses and black eyes resulted; and not a single mark on Steph. No wonder no one bothered her. Besides, she was usually flanked by Hannah and Perry, and no one on Earth would be stupid enough to challenge all three of them. Gina wondered if they knew the other students referred to them collectively as 'the Amazons'. "I'm really sorry I was so rude to you all."
    "S'Okay, we understand why now. If you need anything, let us know, okay? We'd better get going; your nurse is glaring at us." Steph and Hannah stood up, and the girls each gave Gina a hug and left.

    That night, Gina lay huddled on her hospital bed, having the same thoughts over and over. 'I can't, I just can't. But oh, the look on her face. If I have an abortion, I'll lose her. I might as well slit my own throat. I can't live without Kelli. What am I going to do?'

    Kelli spent that night caught up in her own thoughts as well. After leaving the hospital, she sat on a park bench for a while. Surrounding herself with nature usually helped her feel better, but not this time. Eventually, she headed home.
    Kelli talked to her mother for a while after supper. Her Mom was always very supportive, and she did her best to help Kelli work out her feelings. Kelli stopped just short of telling her mother that she was in love with Gina. 'One hurdle at a time,' she thought. Mrs. Harris was appalled by Kelli's description of Mrs. Miller's actions and insisted Kelli ask Gina to stay with them.
    Later in her room, Kelli wept when she realized that she wouldn't feel the same was about Gina if she had an abortion. 'Please, God, I already love her baby. I know we could be good parents if she'll just keep it. Please, I can't live without Gina, but I don't think I can stay with her if she murders an innocent child. What am I going to do?'

    "Well, out with it! Are you going to do the right thing or not?" Mrs. Miller leaned over Gina's hospital bed in a threatening manner. Gina had steadfastly refused to announce her decision until Kelli got there, and her mother was getting very impatient.
    Kelli walked in just then and saw Mrs. Miller standing over Gina, her hands fisted and face angry. Gina was cringing, and it was more than Kelli could stand. She ran over to the bed and inserted herself between it and Gina's mother.  "What's the matter with you? Your daughter is lying in a hospital bed beaten half to death and you're scaring her! Back off!"
    Mrs. Miller was not pleased with Kelli's constant interference. "Gina is my daughter, and she will do as I say. She's not old enough to be a mother, and certainly isn't going to bear a child out of wedlock. Now Gina, the doctor will be here soon, and I expect you to agree to the operation!"
    "No, Mom, I'm not going to do it. It's not the baby's fault that it was conceived. I'll just have to find it a better father than its natural one." She looked at Kelli lovingly and took her hand.
    "Yesterday, when I thought about the baby all I could see was his face. Today, when I think about the baby, I see you. You make me feel hope instead of despair. How could I let go of that?"
    Gina's mother looked from Gina to Kelli. "Oh God, George told me about this and I didn't believe him. How could you do this to me? Pregnant AND homosexual? You'll have an abortion if you want to come home, and you'll stay away from your 'friend' here! You can just finish school somewhere else."
    "I don't have a home.''
    "You and your baby have a home with me, Gina." Kelli glared at Mrs. Miller, daring her to object.
     Mrs. Miller stormed out of the room and slammed the door.
    "That figures. The one thing George said that she didn't believe was only thing that was true."
    "No offense, sweetheart, but I hope you take after your father, because your mom is a complete idiot."
    "Yeah, I always did get along better with him. If only he were still alive, none of this would have happened." Gina looked wistfully out the window, then turned back to smile at Kelli. "He always liked you, Kel."
    "Well, I liked him too." Kelli sat on the side of the bed, and leaned forward to hug Gina. The cheerleader had to fight back tears when she felt how hard Gina was trembling. She rubbed Gina's back with both hands and whispered words of love and reassurance into the brunette's ear.
    After a few minutes, Gina had calmed somewhat. She pulled back a little and sighed. "A psychiatrist stopped in to talk to me earlier."
    Kelli's ears perked up. She knew Gina was going to need a lot of support to recover, and she was relieved that the hospital sent someone so quickly. Her hopes were dashed, however, when she saw the look on Gina's face. 'This can't be good.' "What happened?"
    "He was a jerk. I'm not going to see him again."
    No matter how hard she tried, Kelli couldn't get her to say another word on the subject. Wisely, Kelli dropped it. "Hey, I love you," Kelli said softly. When Gina smiled, Kelli pulled Gina's face down to hers and kissed her. "Did the doctor tell you when you can leave?"
    "He hasn't been by yet this morning, but it shouldn't be too long. Can I really stay at your house?"
    "Sure. I can borrow Mom's car to drive you home, but how are we going to get your stuff? Your mom probably won't let me in."
    "Probably not, and I'm not setting foot in that house. I bet she goes to visit George this afternoon though. If the doctor will release me today we could go over and get some stuff then. Would you mind if I, um, stayed in the car?" Gina gave Kelli such a pitiful look that she hugged her again.
    "You can wait at my house if you want. You've been through enough crap already."

    "Mrs. Harris, I can't tell you how much I appreciate this."
    "It's no problem at all, Gina. We're happy to have you. I'm just sorry we couldn't help you earlier, and that Irene is reacting so badly to all of this. I'd never have expected it of her."
    "Yeah, well, she...," Gina couldn't continue. She didn't want to try to excuse her mother's behavior, even if she could. A single tear trailed down her face, and Kelli moved over to sit on the arm of Gina's chair and put an arm around her shoulders. Gina looked up at her and whispered, "Thanks."

    Later that night, Kelli helped Gina make the bed in the guest room. ''I wish you could just stay in my room," Kelli said, blushing.
    Gina glanced quickly out the door. The coast was clear, so Gina crossed the room and put her arms around  Kelli. "So do I, but I don't want to upset your mother. I really don't think she's ready for that yet."
    Kelli sighed. "I suppose not, but I'd really like to hold you in my arms all night."
    Gina's heart skipped a beat, then restarted at double time when she looked into Kelli's eyes. "I love you," she whispered, capturing Kelli's lips with her own.
    When they heard Mrs. Harris coming up the stairs, they reluctantly parted, breathing hard. ''I guess I'd better get to bed. Sleep well, my love."
    "You too," Gina said as Kelli stepped out into the hall.

    Kelli tossed and turned. She couldn't stop thinking about Gina lying in bed just down the hall. Finally, she drifted off, loving thoughts of her quarterback shaping her dreams.

    Gina scores a touchdown. Everyone is cheering. Kelli runs across the field and jumps into her arms, wrapping her legs around Gina's waist. Gina has already pulled her helmet off and drops it when she catches Kelli. They kiss quickly, then stare at each other for a moment, and pull each other into a bone-melting kiss.
    When they come up for air, everyone else is gone. Gina carries Kelli over to the bench. Kelli sits and Gina kneels in front of her between her legs. They kiss again, and Gina slides her hands underneath Kelli's sweater and up the satiny skin of her abdomen. She caresses Kelli's breasts and nibbles along the cheerleader's jawline and down her neck. Kelli's head drops back and she grips Gina's shoulder pads.
    Gina softly draws Kelli's sweater up over her breasts and lowers her lips to fasten around a pink nipple. She suckles softly and caresses Kelli's other nipple with her fingertips. Kelli moans and curls her fingers through Gina's hair. Gina massages Kelli's thigh with her other hand, moving her fingers under the cheerleader's short skirt and the elastic of her panties. "Umm, you're wet," the quarterback murmurs, her lips brushing against Kelli's taut nipple. The blond makes encouraging, incoherent noises. Gina quickly finds the cheerleader's swollen clitoris and strokes it in languid circles. ''Gina, please!" Kelli moans. Gina strokes faster and lightly bites Kelli's nipple. Kelli doesn't last long under this sensual torment; her screaming climax echoes off the empty bleachers.
    She throws her arms around the grinning quarterback and says, "I love you." They kiss.

Kelli smiled in her sleep.

    Kelli went to school the next day while Gina stayed home to rest. Most of the other students wanted to know what was happening with Gina. Kelli was polite, but refused to tell them any of the sordid details.
    When she left school that afternoon, a man approached her and identified himself as the psychologist who talked to Gina at the hospital. "I have to warn you about Gina," he said. "Your friend spent almost five months in an extremely abusive sexual relationship. No matter how much she might seem to be the same person to you, she will never be the innocent you remember. If you have any sense of self-preservation, you'll sever your relationship with her and stay as far away from her as possible.  For Gina, sex is so tied in to pain now that she may not be able to separate the two. Besides, this unnatural attraction to you didn't surface until just a few days ago; it's bound to be a simple reaction her recent situation, and the fact that she sees you as her savior. But make no mistake, this won't keep her from hurting you."
   Kelli was livid. "Unnatural attraction? I think you should mind your own business. Some psychiatrist you are!  Aren't you supposed to be open minded? I thought it was a mistake when Gina said she wouldn't see you anymore, but now I can understand how she felt."
    "I warned you, little girl. Gina is going to really mess you up, and if you're too stupid to protect yourself, it's your funeral."
    "The only unnatural thing is you trying to keep Gina from healing. I'm the only person she trusts right now, and you want to separate us! What are you trying to do, draw out her recovery so you can get a book out of it?"
    The psychiatrist turned on his heel and stalked away. Kelli glared after him, but couldn't help thinking about what he said. 'He's probably right about Gina being affected more than I've seen, even if he is a jerk. Maybe I just won't see a difference until we make love.' She smiled at the thought.
    She tried to imagine Gina as sexually violent, but had trouble picturing it. In all her fantasies, Gina was tender and loving. She thought about how they found Gina on Monday, strapped to a wooden x-frame, naked and beaten. Then she imagined herself in that position, helpless and at Gina's mercy. A chill shook her whole body, and the muscles between her legs spasmed. 'Whoa! I think my brain just imploded. And I think there's more than one side of this issue to consider.'

    The Homecoming game went better than expected. The Warlords won, just barely, even without their star quarterback. Gina sat on the bench, ostensibly watching the game, but she spent most of her time stealing glances at a certain cheerleader. Kelli could sense Gina's scrutiny, and was hard put to think about the cheers instead of her recent dreams.

    After the game, Gina and Kelli went home to get ready for the homecoming dance. Gina was worried about the rumors that were going around about them, but Kelli argued vehemently against staying home.
    "Gina, you're not embarassed to be seen with me, are you?"
    "NO! How could you think that? I just don't want you to be the target of any nasty comments." 'Or anything worse.' Gina didn't think that anyone at their school would hurt them just because they loved each other, but  you never knew. She didn't want to take any risks with Kelli.
    "Besides, I have this great dress. How about you?" Kelli saw how worried Gina was, and tried to get her to lighten up a bit. "We could get you a tux."
    "Oh, ha ha. Unless there's some law I don't know about, I'd like to stick with a dress. How about that blue one I wore at Christmas last year? I seem to recall you liking that one."
    Kelli could well remember the dress Gina meant. It had blue spaghetti straps, was low cut, and fell in layers just above Gina's knees. 'Oh boy. I could really be in trouble here.' "Uh, yeah, that'd be perfect."
    Gina smirked at the expression on Kelli's face. 'Oh yeah, this will be fun.' "So what does your dress look like?"
    Kelli swallowed, and decided she needed to get even a bit. She looked down, and then smiled and met Gina's gaze. "It's green, at least where you can't see through it."
    "You... you're kidding right? Kel?"
    Kelli smiled and bounced upstairs to change.

    The dance was just like any other, except for the overabundance of crepe paper, and the presence of two people who were desperately in love with each other but unable to show it.
    After another slow dance with some football play whose name she couldn't remember, Kelli went to get some punch. Gina walked up behind her.
    "So, is the Bull a good dancer?"
    "Don't ask the face, ask the feet."
    "That good, huh? Maybe I should have the coach get them all dance lessons. Ballet, perhaps?"
    A spray of punch shot across the table. "Geez, thanks for that image of Bull in a tu-tu." Kelli put down her glass and turned to look up at Gina. "Has anyone asked you the question of the night  yet?"
    "You mean, 'why aren't you dancing with Kelli?' No one except the guys have had the nerve to even talk to me. Are they bothering you?"
    "Not so much bothering as making me wonder why we just don't do it." Kelli looked at Gina's alarmed expression and elbowed her in the ribs. "I mean slow dance, you goof."
    "Oh. I knew that."
    "Sure  you did. Well, shall we? The last dance is coming up soon." 'Please, please, please say yes.'
    "Are you sure you want to do this? It'll confirm every rumor that's been going around."
    'Not quite all of them,' Kelli thought. "The Hell with the rumors, and the Hell with them if they don't like it." Kelli grabbed Gina's hand and dragged her to the dance floor.
    Gina opened her mouth to say something, but couldn't think of a response. Then, when they were on the dance floor and Kelli put her hands on Gina's shoulders, speech completely deserted her. Gina slid her arms around Kelli's waist and they began to move to the music.
    A slight murmur started around them, and moved quickly through the crowd. If Gina and Kelli had been listening, they would have heard nothing hostile -- most of the other students were more interested than anything else. Those who really looked were awed by the obvious love the two girls had for each other.

    "Would you look at that," Steph whispered to Hannah. "If someone looked at me like that, I'd melt into a puddle."
    "The whole room just heated up about twenty degrees,'' Hannah replied, smiling. She extended her hand, palm side up, to Perry. "Pay up, doofus."
    Perry grumbled and slapped a five dollar bill into her hand. "I was so sure Gina was straight."
    Steph smirked. "More like oblivious. I thought Kelli was going to have to bonk her over the head with something.''
    Hannah stuffed the five into her cleavage and sighed. "Maybe if she had, this business with Gina's stepfather wouldn't have happened."
    "I doubt it, but for God's sake don't say that to Kelli. She already thinks it's all her fault."
    "You're kidding! How the Hell could it be her fault?"
    "Well, you know Kelli, if she decides to feel guilty about something, it's practically impossible to talk her out of it." Steph looked across the room with concern. "Looks like that bitch Jill is gearing up for a scene. C'mon, let's see if we can head her off."

    "Would you look at that,'' Jill sneered. "I don't see why we have to put up with those perverts. After all, this IS the homecoming dance, not a gay bar!"
    James had been biting his tongue all night, and he'd finally had enough. "You don't have a romantic bone in your body, do you?"
    "Well, really!" She spun on her heel and left.

    James looked over his shoulder to see who had spoken. 'If it isn't the Amazons....' "Thanks for what?"
    "For heading her off before it got ugly. I'd hate to have had to bop her one," Steph said with a smile.
    "I think I'd have liked to see that." James looked down for a minute, then gazed back up at Steph. "Care to dance?" James extended a hand, and Steph placed her own atop it.
    "I'd love too."
    As they twirled away, Hannah and Perry shot each other a look of surprise. "Didn't see that one coming at all."
    "No kidding. If you had, I'd probably owe you another five dollars."

    On the way home Kelli pulled her mother's car onto a dirt side road, parked, and turned to look at Gina. '"I really enjoyed touching you while we were dancing. It wasn't enough though. I want you tonight. Please let me make love to you."  Gina smiled and leaned toward Kelli, cradling the blonde's face in her hands and kissing her softly. The kiss gained strength and speed until the girls gasped and slid their hands over each other's bodies.
    "Bucket seats were not made for this!"
    Kelli laughed softly at Gina's frustration and dove into the back seat.
    "Ooo, now there's an idea!" Gina slid her lanky body over the seat and lowered herself on top of the blond. They kissed again, and as their tongues danced, Gina slid her knee between Kelli's legs and pressed against her center. Kelli automatically bent her knee so that her thigh pressed firmly against Gina. After a few minutes they managed to match rhythms and thrust against each other. They moaned into each others mouths and Kelli broke the kiss, licking down Gina's neck. The brunette arched her back, and Kelli dipped her tongue into Gina's cleavage. Kelli slipped one of Gina's gown straps off her shoulder and fastened her lips around a very erect nipple, sucking hard. Gina trembled and screamed Kelli's name, then thrust harder and faster against her love. Kelli's climax hit her hard; she sucked Gina's nipple and held it through her tremors. "Oh Kel, I love you!" Gina shouted as she came. It took a few minutes for their breathing to return to normal.
    Kelli hugged Gina's head to her shoulder and suddenly started giggling. "Why are we doing this in the car when we have a bed waiting at home?"
    "Because we didn't know whether either of us is a screamer. It's a good thing too, the windows in your house would still be rattling."
    "So you think Mom might notice?"
    Gina just laughed against Kelli's shoulder and hugged her closer.
    "Gina, I love you so much," Kelli's voice broke as she started to cry.
    Gina moved up to look at Kelli's face. "Baby, what's wrong?"
    "I came so close to losing you! I can't imagine living without you. It hurts to think about. Please promise me you'll never leave me."
    "I couldn't live without my heart, and you own it."
    Gina leaned in to kiss Kelli softly. When the blond started to moan, Gina kissed her way down Kelli's throat as she slid the smaller girl's dress away from her chest. Gina rubbed around Kelli's nipples with her fingers, then alternated between squeezing and rolling them between her thumbs and index fingers. Kelli was squirming around and pumping her hips against Gina's stomach. "Oh God, that feels incredible! Please, I need you to touch me down there!"
    Gina smiled and slid one hand down to raise Kelli's dress and pull off her panties. Then she returned her hand to Kelli's nipple, lowered her head and thrust her tongue into Kelli's dripping center.
    Kelli threw back her head and screamed, "YES!"
    Gina lapped up all the juices and slid her tongue up to the erect bundle of nerves. She licked and sucked gently until Kelli begged, "Harder! Please, Gina!" The brunette picked up the pace and dropped one hand to fondle herself, bringing them both to another climax.
 Gina slid back up to kiss Kelli, sharing the taste of her passion. Kelli moaned and pulled Gina in for a deeper kiss. After a few minutes, Gina pulled back and whispered into Kelli's ear, "I love you!"
    Kelli smiled, "I love you too, my gentle one." She felt absolutely euphoric.  'Take that, Doctor Unnatural!'

    Gina finally went back to school on Monday. Most of the other students didn't know what to say to her, so they just
tiptoed around her. She didn't really care. She had Kelli, and the Amazons, and the Warlord football players, so she was content.

    Gina went to bed early that night, but she couldn't sleep. After a while, she got up to get a drink of water, and overheard Kelli and her mother talking in the kitchen.

    "Kelli, I need for you to tell me the truth. Has Gina ever, um, gotten rough with you?"
    "What do you mean, Mom?"
    "I got the strangest call today from a doctor at the hospital. He said that Gina could be dangerous. Do you think he could be right? He said he talked to you, and he thought that you might be afraid of her."

    Gina snuck up to her room without waiting to hear Kelli's reply. Kelli wasn't scared of her. She couldn't be, could she?

    Gina lay in bed, wondering what Kelli's reply had been. 'Is she afraid of me?' She drifted off to sleep, and began to dream.

    Gina has just started her shower when Kelli's hand reaches around to take the soap from Gina and starts washing her back. Kelli's soapy hands move around to caress and squeeze Gina's breasts. The quarterback closes her eyes and moans. Kelli turns her around and kisses her, playing roughly with Gina's nipples. Gina grabs Kelli's shoulders and pushes the cheerleader to her knees. Gina slides her hands up to Kelli's head and pulls the blond forward. "Suck me!" Gina feels lips fasten around her clit and closes her eyes. She orgasms after a few minutes. When Gina opens her eyes and looks down at Kelli, the cheerleader's eyes are wide with terror. Gina stumbles backwards in shock, and realizes she is holding a whip handle. The whip is wrapped around Kelli's neck, and the cheerleader is covered with bleeding welts. Her hands are bound; tears stream down her face. Gina catches sight of her reflection, but it is George's face she sees rather than her own.

    Gina woke in a cold sweat, her heart pounding rapidly. 'Oh God. Please, I couldn't! I'd never hurt her, never.' Gina tried to reassure herself, but her mind kept throwing images at her, pictures of her dominating Kelli. She tried to tell herself that she didn't want that, but the idea of controlling her friend aroused her so much it made her dizzy. Then she thought about how she felt when George had done things like that to her. 'I'm going to hurt her. Oh no, that pig psychiatrist was right! What if I can't control myself?' Gina had to face the possibility that George's abuse had turned her into a sexual predator, just like him.
    She ran to the bathroom and threw up.
    Gina sat on the floor beside the toilet holding her head in her hands. 'I have to leave her before something awful happens, but where else can I go?' She realized that the bathroom floor wasn't the best place for heavy thinking, so she got dressed and sneaked out of the house. 'Something hot to drink would be good,' she thought, and started walking down the street to the diner several blocks away.

    Kelli knew she had lied to her mother. She had said that she wasn't afraid of Gina. She was, but not the way that everyone seemed to think she would be. It was the good kind of afraid, if there was such a thing. 'I don't know how to tell Gina that, though. If I tell her I am afraid, she'll take it the wrong way. I -- what's that?' Kelli heard a noise down the hall, and got up to see what it was. When she peered around the doorframe, she saw Gina just going down the stairs, fully dressed and with a jacket in her hand. 'What? Where is she going?' Kelli quickly got dressed and followed her love into the night. As she left the house, hands grabbed her and pulled her into the bushes. She screamed and struggled, then a hand closed over her mouth and nose while a strong arm held her own arms tightly at her sides. She soon passed out from lack of oxygen.

    Gina sat at a table in the diner, brooding over a cup of coffee. She didn't even notice someone sitting down across from her until they spoke.
    "Hey, lady, whatcha doing here in the middle of the night?"
    Gina looked up sharply, then smiled when she saw Steph. James was standing behind her with his hands on the back of Steph's chair. 'They really are a cute couple,' Gina thought. "Couldn't sleep. I thought I'd drink some coffee and sit a while."
    "Looked to me like you were glaring at it instead of drinking it," Steph noted wryly. "I'm surprised you're out by yourself, though, considering."
    "I'm not going to hide behind closed doors the rest of my life," Gina replied a little hotly. "Besides, George is in jail."
    Steph looked up at James, her eyes wide.
    James sucked in a breath. "Gina, he was released today. Your mother convinced the judge that there wasn't enough evidence to implicate George instead of Scott and Bill, or any of the rest of the team. He's out on bail. My Dad was really pissed about it, and he wanted to know why you weren't there."
    Gina sat stock still, staring at James. "No one told me about it. If he's out, oh God, Kelli!" Gina shot out of her seat and sprinted out the door.
    "What the... we'd better go after her!" Steph grabbed James' arm and they ran out after Gina.

    Gina ran full tilt back to Kelli's house, her long legs eating up the sidewalk. She was in such a state of panic that she didn't even notice James and Steph following on James' motorcycle.
    They got to the house just as Kelli's mom came out the front door. "Gina, I heard Kelli scream! What's going on?"
    Gina was starting to hyperventilate. Steph jumped off the bike and ran to her. "Gina, you've got to calm down! Breathe
    Gina closed her eyes and concentrated on slowing down her breathing. Mrs. Harris was as patient as possible, but she was about ready to jump out of her skin. After several minutes, Gina could finally talk again. "Mrs. Harris, George got out on bail today. No one bothered to tell me until now. I'm sorry, but he threatened Kelli all the time to make me obey him. Please, tell me what happened!"
    Mrs. Harris started swaying back and forth. "Oh God, I heard a scream. I know it was Kelli, and it came from the front of the house. She's not inside anywhere! Did he take her? We've got to call the police!"
    Gina thought for a minute. "I think I know where he took her. There's a cabin where he took me sometimes, when I had anything obvious that needed time to heal."
    Kelli's mother looked at Gina and gasped. "What kind of a monster is he?"
    Gina stepped back and looked at James. "I need to borrow your bike."
    "You can't take him on by yourself. Let me come with you," James pleaded.
    "You can't. I need you to call your father. He can use his authority as police chief to go in without a warrant. They have to storm the cabin right away. It's at the end of Maple on the far side of the lake."
    James nodded unhappily and handed her his motorcycle jacket. The jacket was black leather with gold swirls on the shoulders, mimicing their football uniforms. The helmet on the handlebars had a similar design.
    Steph was startled. "There's a cabin all the way back there?"
    Gina's eyes darkened. "Yeah." She put on the jacket and helmet and roared away.
     James looked after her pensively. "How can someone go through what she did and stay sane?"
    "Sometimes I'm not sure she did. You'd better hurry up and make that call. I think it would be best if the cops get there first."
    "I think you're right.''

    Kelli woke up in a darkened room. She was lying on an old, musty couch. She started to sit up and fell back as a wave of dizziness hit her.
    "You're finally awake."
    The voice startled her so badly that she started to shake. Kelli looked over to the armchair where she now realized someone was sitting. A shadowy hand reached over and turned on the lights. She shook harder when she recognized her kidnapper.
    "Hello, little blond slut. I've been waiting a long time to get to know  you."
    He stood up and walked toward her. She tried to sink down into the couch, but it was unyielding. He sat down beside her and placed a large hand on her thigh. "I want something from you. Hell, I want everything from you!" He laughed and squeezed her thigh so hard that tears sprang to her eyes. "And you're going to do whatever I ask."
    "I'm not doing anything for you," she said shakily, not knowing how she was going to fight back, but knowing she had to.
    He laughed, and the courage she had summoned up started to evaporate. 'God, Gina, how did you live with this?'
    "You're going to do what I tell you because your butch girlfriend is going to die if you don't."
    "I have her in the next room, all tied up nice and pretty. I thought I'd hang her, but she's still standing on her own two feet, for now. She's been there for a few hours, though, and I bet she's getting pretty tired of standing there with that rope around her neck. How long do you think she can make it before she falls and strangles herself?" George sneered at her.
    'Oh Gina! I have to do what he says! I can't let you die, I can't!' "What duh-do you want me to do?" she asked with fear.
    "Take off your shirt, for a start. And the bra. I want to see your titties."
    Kelli started to sob as she took off her blouse and bra. When she was bare to the waist, George roughly fondled her breasts. He squeezed her nipples hard until she cried out, and he laughed cruelly.
    "Okay, whore, next I want you to lick my balls. Unzip my pants." When Kelli hesitated, George grabbed her and pushed her down to the floor between his legs. "Now, slut! Get my cock out and start licking!"
    A sudden loud shriek made both of them look up, and they saw a streak of black and gold hit the front window. George stood up as the window exploded into thousands of glass shards, and the streak resolved itself into a person clad in black leather with something large in its hands. George distantly noted that it was a two by four as the wood cracked against the side of his head and he was thrown over the back of the couch. Kelli grabbed her blouse and held it in front of her as she crawled backwards away from the conflict. The figure tossed aside its helmet, and Kelli was ecstatic when she recognized Gina.
    Before the helmet hit the floor, Gina hit George again. She continued to pound him with her club, and Kelli realized that she was losing control. "Gina, stop! You're going to kill him!"
    Gina didn't even hear her. She stood over George, saying, "you son of a bitch," over and over while lifting the two by four for another hit.
    Kelli stood up and moved toward Gina, but wasn't fast enough to stop her before the police rushed in.
    "Hold it right there, miss!" the officer said, leveling his revolver at Gina.
    "Don't shoot her!" Kelli screamed, terrified. "She saved me! That bastard on the floor is the one you want!"
    "Drop the club, Gina," the other officer said. "You can't solve anything this way."
    Gina looked up, dazed, and the police officers took that chance to take the two by four away from her. Before she knew it, she was disarmed, and handcuffed.
    Kelli was furious. "What are you handcuffing her for? I told you that she saved me!"
    "She was also beating a man who was down. We have to follow procedures for everyone's protection. Let's get you to the ambulance, Kelli." He hustled them outside while the other officer watched George. Emergency Medical Technicians came to get Kelli, and they took her to a waiting ambulance. The ambulance leaves for the hospital, Kelli screaming the whole time about Gina being innocent.
    "Gina, are you calm now?"
    "Yes." Gina felt more in control now, though she wasn't sure if she would be if George were there. "I'll be good, I promise."
    "Okay, then let's get you out of those cuffs and I'll take you to the hospital."
    She turned for him to unlock her, and suddenly there was a deafening bang just behind her. She turned halfway around and saw the police officer fall to the ground with half his face blown away. Before she had a chance to react, someone shoved her face first into the back of the police car and slamed the door. By the time she levered herself into a sitting position they were speeding down the road. The driver turned and leered at her, his broken nose bleeding profusely. It was George. She started screaming.

************Twisted Creep Warning!!!! If you are faint of heart, proceed to the next line of asterisks ****************

    George drove the police car to an alley behind the hardware store where he used to work. He opened the back door of the car and dragged Gina to the rear entrance of the store. He entered with the key and dragged her into the middle of the break room.
    George punched her hard in the stomach, knocking the wind out of her, and she fell to her knees gasping. He grabbed her by the hair, yanked her upright, and started kicking her hard in the stomach. "I told your idiot mother to get you an abortion. Can't you stupid cunts follow a simple instruction?" He let go of her hair and she fell bonelessly to the floor, sobbing and curling her body around her aching midsection.
    He walked over to a small portable winch that was sitting on a side table and returned with a looped end of cable. He fed the cable through a hook mounted in the ceiling, placed the loop over her head and tightened it around her neck. Startled by his actions, Gina looked up. Her blood froze when she saw the path of the cable. He sat down on the couch and activated the winch. She got to her feet as fast as she could, but the cable still cut harshly into her neck. George turned off the winch. She had to stand on tiptoe to get any air. George chuckled darkly and went to get a beer.
    He returned to the couch and sat down to drink while staring hungrily at her. Gina can't get enough air to speak. ''Not bad, but I think I can improve the view," George said, standing. He walked over and tore her jacket and shirt open, yanking them down to her elbows. He grinned at the way her breasts bounced as she tried to keep the cable from tightening around her neck. Next he ripped her jeans open and pulled them and her underwear down to her knees, trapping her legs together and exposing her pubic region. She could feel blood pouring down the insides of her thighs. Hot tears streamed down her face when she realized she'd probably lost the baby. She closed her eyes, expecting his invading touch. It never came.
    George walked back to the couch, pulled his pants down around his ankles, and sat down. He leaned back, idly playing with his balls with one hand and reaching for the winch controls with the other.
    'Oh God, he's going to kill me! Kelli, I love you! I don't want to die!'
    George closed his eyes for a moment and sighed contentedly. When he opened them again, his gaze was pure evil. "I don't need you any more, slut. You were a convenient fuck, but you were never really my type. I like little blond cunts like your friend. You interrupted just when I was finally going to fuck her tight little throat. I'd like to kill you just for that, but I've been planning something fun. This guy I met in the county jail told me that I should try getting my rocks off while I'm slowly killing  someone. I can't think of anyone I'd rather try it on than you, my little whore.This will be the best sex I've ever gotten from you, and I'm not even going to lay a hand on you. Too bad I don't have blondie here too. I could ram my cock down her throat while I hang you. Guess I'll just have to take care of her later."
    George slowly drew his fingertips up over his balls and stiffening shaft. He arched his hips forward, wrapped his fingers around his cock, and started pumping it slowly up and down. "Oh yeah, this is gonna be so fucking good!" After several minutes, he was fully erect and his breathing was ragged.  " Unh. Let's make it a little more interesting now." He switched on the winch just long enough for one of Gina's feet to lose contact with the ground. She twisted around frantically trying to hold herself up on the toes of one foot.
    George tightened his grip and stroked himself faster as Gina started to strangle.  "Shit, this fucking excellent! I'm gonna shoot my cum all over you, cunt." Gina was having trouble focusing, but she could hear George's labored grunts and the wet slippery sound of  his hand frantically pumping up and down on his cock. Suddenly, the sounds slowed.
    "Can't have you dying on me too soon." George reversed the winch and lowered Gina back to the floor. She gasped and fought to stay on her feet. "Beg, you worthless bitch. Beg for your life.'' He played with his cock slowly as he waited for her reply.
    Gina swallowed enough air to give George one last shot. ''You're going to kill me anyway, you son of a bitch. I'm not going to make it any more fun for you." She spat right in his face.
    "Time to die, slut," he snarled, reversing the direction on the winch again. He turned on the winch and the cable tightened around Gina's neck as she was lifted slowly off the floor. After shutting off the winch, George stood up and moved toward her as she writhed, pointing his engorged dick directly at her as he started jerking off again. "Yeah! Dance for me, you bitch!"
Gina saw George get closer. She tried to kick him, but missed. Then her vision tunnelled and her tongue began to swell. The roaring in her ears drowned out George's bellow as he came. She felt something wet and sticky hit her stomach, then everything went black.


    The emergency room doctors checked Kelli out and released her. She had been pacing around the emergency room waiting for Gina ever since. 'She should have been right behind us. What could have happened?' Kelli felt a tremor in the back of her mind. It was a voice; one she knew well, though she couldn't make out what it was saying. She stopped and stared into space. 'Gina?' Kelli felt a wash of terror overpower her senses. Staggering against the wall, Kelli waved off her mother's supporting hands. Gina was in trouble, she was sure of it. She looked around for a policeman and spotted the officer who had questioned her earlier.
    "Please, you've got to find Gina!"
    The officer looked around at Kelli. "One of the officers reported that he was bringing her here."
    "Then where are they? It's been at least half an hour since we got here! They shouldn't be taking this long. Can't you call and check or something, please?"
    "All right, no harm in that I suppose," the officer said, activating his radio. "Dispatch, where is the patrol car that was sent out to the lake?"
    The radio crackled. "We're not sure. We've been trying to reach them, but they don't respond. Another car has been sent to
check it out. They should be reporting soon."
    Kelli was gripping the counter so hard that her knuckles were white. 'What could have happened? George couldn't have done anything, could he? He looked half dead after Gina beat him up.'
    The radio crackled again. "All cars, be on the lookout for squad car 7. The car was stolen, and the two officers assigned to check out that cabin are dead. Car 5, go to the Miller residence. Repeat...."
    Kelli's head reeled. 'Gina, you are in danger! I heard you! Can you hear me? Where are you? Tell me so I can send help!'
    The officer turned to Kelli. "Do you know of anywhere else that he could have taken her?"
    Kelli thought for a minute, then turned to her mother. "Mom, where did George used to work?"
    Mrs. Harris had walked up behind Kelli and put her hands on her daughter's shoulders. "I think he used to work at the hardware store. The one on Main street." She looked at the policeman. "Do you think he could have...."
    "It sure doesn't hurt to check," he said, raising his radio again. "Dispatch, possible lead on the suspect. Send a car to the hardware shop on Main."
    "Roger that."
    "If you think of anything else, please let me know," said the officer.
    "Of course," said Mrs. Harris as she tried to lead Kelli over to the chairs.
    Several minutes later, the officer's radio cracks to life. "There are lights at the hardware store. The cruiser is in the alley out back. We're going in." There was static for a few moments, then explosion of gunfire, and shouts. "Got him." "Oh, my God! Get her down from there!" There were some odd machine noises. "We need two ambulances here, now! Is she breathing?" "I can't tell, but there's so much blood...." The officer took his radio and started for the door.
    Kelli ran after him. "You can't take that radio! What's happening! Please!"
    James and Steph run after her and bring her back. "Come on, Kelli. The police are doing the best they can. We should stay out of the way." Kelli hugs herself and starts to cry. 'Oh Gina, stay with me! Please don't die!'

    About ten minutes later, an ambulance arrives at the hospital. Kelli runs to see if it is Gina, and sees George. She growls tries to pounce on his gurney yelling, "you bastard!" Her mother and Steph hold her back.

    Then they wheel Gina in. She is unconscious and has an oxygen mask over her face. The blanket covering her legs is soaked with blood, and she is extremely pale. Kelli holds her hands up to her mouth and starts to cry. They follow Gina's gurney to emergency and hang around outside waiting for some word. After an hour, the doctor tells them that she will be all right.
    "Thank God," said Kelli. "But what about the baby?"
    "I'm sorry. She'd already lost it by the time she got here."

    Gina woke and saw Kelli sitting beside her bed. She looked around in shock. "I'm not dead?"

    Kelli grasped her hand. "No, you're very much alive. I didn't lose you." Kelli's lower lip began to quiver, and Gina pulled her over into a hug.
    "I'm right here, I'm okay."
    "I heard you."
    Gina looked at her. "What do you mean?"
    "When you were frightened. I heard you say you loved me. I was so scared!"
    "Kelli, did I lose the baby?" Gina had to force the question out. She knew the baby was gone, but she had to hear it.
    "Oh Gina! Yes, they couldn't save it. I'm sorry."
    "I'm sorry, too. That's something else that bastard took from me! Is, uh, is he dead?
    Kelli, was afraid of what was going to happen when she answered. "No, he's not."
    "Damn it! I thought they shot him!"
    "They did, but they only wounded him."
    "Is he in this hospital?"
    "Gina, I don't think...."
    "Kelli! Is he here?!?" Gina was suddenly sitting on the edge of her bed and ready to head out the door.
    "They have him under guard. Gina, there's something else you need to hear." Kelli was crying softly, and Gina's heart dropped.
    "Who else?"
    "Gina, he killed your mother. They found her body in the trunk of George's car at the cabin. She was beaten to death."
    Gina's head dropped to her chest, and Kelli leaned forward to gather her into her arms. They sat together crying for a long time.
    "I have to see him." Gina's voice was ice cold, and Kelli knew that Gina was thinking about revenge.
    "Please, Gina, don't do this. I love you and I want you to stay here with me. Not end up in prison."
    "Kelli, at best they'll send him to prison and he might get out some day. We'll have to spend the rest of our lives looking over our shoulders. He isn't going to be punished enough for what he's done! He's taken everything from me except for you, and he almost got you too!"
    "Gina, it isn't really about George. It's about you taking your life back from him. He's not worth giving up everything you have just for cold-blooded revenge. Take revenge by finding yourself again. I love you, and I'll help you! Please, don't try to see him."
    "I don't know how I can handle the idea of him being alive. I just freeze up when I think about it."
    "Maybe I can thaw you out," said Kelli, kissing Gina and sliding her hands up the taller girl's back.
    "Um, worth a try," said Gina, smiling slightly.

    "Your mother had quite a sizable estate, and a good bit in insurance as well. I'd like to make some suggestions about how to handle it, if you don't mind." Gina's family's accountant had stopped by to visit her in the hospital, and his revelations about how much Gina had inherited had come as a shock.
    "I'd like to sell the house and the car," Gina replied. "I can't use either of them. Can you take care of that for me?"
    "Well, of course, if that's what you want. How much do you want to get for the house?"
    "I don't care. Burn it down or give it to charity. I just don't want it."
    "I see," said the accountant, clearing his throat. "Well, how about the money? You could put some into a trust for your college tuition, and invest the rest while drawing a monthly allowance for living expenses."
    "Sure, that sounds fine. I would like to make one large purchase first, though."
    "What would that be?"
    "A motorcycle."

    Gina sat on her new motorcycle and stared at Kelli's house. 'I love you so much, Kel.' A tear trailed down her cheek, and she shook her head to get rid of it. Gina started the motorcycle and headed for the highway. She was so preoccupied that she didn't see the car pull out of the garage behind her.
    Halfway down the block, her pursuer roared in front of her and blocked the road. Gina stiffened, expecting trouble. She was surprised when the driver turned out to be Kelli.
    The cheerleader jumped out of the car and stormed over to Gina. "Just where the Hell do you think you're going??"
    "Kel, I have to go, don't you see? I don't know who I am anymore. I feel like he took everything I was, tore it to pieces, and replaced it with him. God, I don't want to be him! I'll hurt you!"
    "No! I'm not letting you go anywhere. I love you, and nothing you say or do will ever change that. Now come home with me, please!"
    "But Kelli...."
    Kelli grabbed Gina and kissed her hard. "Look, I'm not going to break if you get a little rough. I might even like it."
    Gina's jaw dropped. Then her eyes hardened. "You don't know what you're saying."
    Kelli quailed a bit at that, but was determined not to show it. "I promise to keep your heart safe. I know you'll do the same with mine, won't you?" Kelli looked at the taller girl intently, trying to project all the love she felt for Gina. "Won't you?"
    Gina hugged Kelli hard and whispered in her ear, "Yes."
    Kelli hugged her back and breathed a sigh of relief. "Let's go home."