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"Jailbait" was the previous (or former) name of this zine; the name was changed because parents were concerned that their children were being...well, you get the idea... so the name was changed to "Bent". "Jailbait" is Issues #1-6; and after that we're known as "Bent".

Issue One - Issue One ushered in the beginning of the "Jailbait"/"Bent" saga. Features: an editorial by each author (Angel and Shirley/Violet), quotes, and pictures.
**No copies of Issue One currently exist, except one somewhere in deepest darkest Michigan (and she knows who she is!!).

Issue Two-Issue Two features: a better layout, cleaner images and type, more info on the zine and it's creators, a comic strip, an interview, and much more.

Issue Three-put together mainly for Gay Pride Chicago '98, features: Marlene Dietrich, and the zine introduces it's "Table of our Discontents" along with the first of many reviews, the first of "Wheee!!!" and "Queer Fish" installments.

Issue Four-the first issue put together by Angel, is somewhat less "professional" than usual, but you get the point. Features: Letters to the Editor, and a new contribution by Jon Miller of Hairdye Zine.

Issue Five-includes more art than previously. Features: AIDS Quilt quotes, the First of "Vocab Words", & pictures from RENT.

Issue Six-the best one yet (and, incidentally, the last paper issue). Features: "25 [humorous] Reasons to Hate Heterosexuals", and interview with Sam Shaber of Brown Chair Records, and more.

Issue Seven "Bent" **broken link (hasn't been created yet)**

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©1998-2001 Angel Sayan
