A Triangle of Secrets
I. Acceptance
There is conflict, conflictedness
but the drowning
is willed –
the willingness
of eyes stubbornly open
before onslaught of thorns
You want to know
Oh, here is specificity of rose
II. “O, There Will Be”
Yes, there will be
will never stop
But when a certain bird
leaves the pages of a legend
you will see amethyst
wings crack
for non-virtual flight
III. “Swallow Hard”
I am conflicted –
why would I wish
for you my inability
to swim?
Yes, the corals are lovely
and pink and alive and lovely
veins floating amidst the purple deep
But to “swallow hard” (my Love)
engenders aftermaths of gutting
Next - Susan Terris
Contents - Reader
Current Issue - Blue Fifth Reader