Fall 2008
poets & artists
untitled by Dee Rimbaud
( Scotland )
Featured Poet: Melissa Buckheit
I: Into the Shelter of Dark Caves
[ Riddell, Wang, Ragsdale, F. Mitchell, Ross,
Chaffin, Head, Owens,
Barbato ]
II: This Bend of Quiet
[ Soriano, Lehrman, Ballard, Pobo,
Lemmon, Dodge, Snell, Kelley ]
III: Silhouette of a Plume
[ Shea, Terris, Meador, Nelson, Vathcer,
Carrier, Reid, Copeland, Wood, Ho ]
IV: The Loose Connections
[ Grey, R. Mitchell, Faries, Hendryson, McLean,
Piercy, Erickson, Riesener, Willitts, Lighthouse, Taylor ]
Review: Desi Di Nardo
Current Issue - Fall 2008