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Poet's Corner

Uncommon scents

In the morning, before I rise, before I even feel the weight of me, before I even know who I am; there is the faint scent of you on my pillow, and I am reminded that I spent the night in heaven.
Funny but just the scent of you is like your arms around me. I am happy because you care for me most.
Just the scent of you and I am at another place another time. There are no other people and no other places.
It is as if in this scent there is only room for you and me and I am pleased.
In this scent there is not a sound, only the quiet reflection of your eyes that seem to
penetrate the very nature of my soul and accepts me for all that I am good and bad.
Just in this scent I feel I am forgiven. In this scent I know you are there for me and I can feel your face pressed against mine, and your lips the softest I have ever known.
They’re burned in my heart and in my mind, the kiss that will last forever.
Just in this scent I can tell which way is up and which way is down.
What is good and what is bad.
In this scent is the absolute definition of goodness in my life and
I thank God Almighty -Praise the Lord for my sense of smell and for you.

Copyright 2000,Jonathan Bonds
Jonathan began writing both poetry and short stories during his teen years. He is currently working on a children’s book of short stories. Email the poet at
The Blues of Love

There are days when I hate you
the way you sit like a rock
that deadpan look on your face
the words that dry unsaid on your lips
the languid rhythm of your days
Caged in your prison of silence
I sing but my songs no longer touch the blue
I cry that I would rather fly
into the stinging spray of storm-whipped sea
than curl up by the fireside of your cozy cocoon.
I hate you for your wordless love
I hate you for your gentle hands
I hate you for knowing me better than I do
I hate you for loving me so long
that I can no longer see myself
except through the mirror of your eyes.
There are days when I hate you.
Those are the days when I hate myself.

Copyright 2000,Shanti Bhaskaran
Shanti started writing verse at the age of six. One of her poems, The Twin Soul, is being published in "Nature's Echoes," an anthology issued by the International Library of Poetry. Have a comment? Email the poet at

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