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(Open-ended, Life-centred Explorations of the Sunday Gospelsfor Home Groups)
MK 10: 1-16...Sunday, October 8th, 2006...18th S. after Pentecost

NOTES: 1] Omitting v.l as the Lectionary does leaves out the fact that though Jesus is beginning to move towards Jerusalem & his Passion, here he's operating across Jordan, beyond the main influence of the Jerusalem heavies. The Pharisees here may be locals, or agents of those heavies. 2] In over-ruling what's been said & done before, Jesus, the 'Greater than Moses' challenges biblical literalism, then & now.  N.B. differences between here & MT 19: 1 +. 3] Rabbis then as now held conflicting views about divorce & re-marriage. 4] Be sensitive to any among us who've 'been through the mill'.

WARMING UP: Are we a strict person or an easy-going one?

TREASURES OLD & NEW: Identify God at work in anything this week?


1-4        Do we consciously (& religiously!) act within the guidelines / laws set down by church authorities, or feel free to move outside them if & when it seems right to do so? What factors influence our decisions about whether it's right to do so'? Or is that kind' of thing not an issue for us? Have we yet chosen whether to be a conservative or a liberal, theologically speaking? Or is that something we don't choose? If not, why not? Is it possible to live as a friend of Jesus & reflect that in the way we live without thinking through where we stand theologically? Do our actions speak louder than our words about this matter?

5-12 What constitutes hardness of heart? How much / how often is 'hardness of heart' responsible for the way we think / live? Even if we ourselves don't believe it, are we ever conscious that someone else thinks we're 'hard of heart'? Given that many of us have been conditioned to believe our heads are for thinking with, what do we make of those who tell us we really ought to be thinking with our hearts? How does a person 'think with their heart'? Do we recognize either our head or our heart having superiority over the other in our own life? What can we learn from, the ever-so-important myth / parable ofthe Garden of Eden (GEN 2: 4+) about: head & heart choices?
Are we as aware as God wants us to be that he has 'married' us & joined us together as one with him? What does that kind of oneness demand of us in our relationship with God & each other (& in particular, a marriage partner)? Or doesn't it demand anything? Can we see why, biblically, 'adultery' is a recurrent term for expressing unfaithfulness to God (running after other gods)? Does 'adultery' against God lead to adultery at the human level too? What about vice-versa? Are there other questions we need to pose for ourselves here?

13-16 Given Jesus' relationship with children, how come so many churches are in turmoil over child-abuse accusations? What's gone wrong? Is it in any sense a natural follow-on from the fact that churches have often seen children as 'fair game' while adults are in the 'too hard' basket? Is our attitude to children in the church all it needs to be (in Jesus' eyes)? Are we welcoming / accepting / nurturing enough of children & their families if we have any in our congregation? What's at the heart of Jesus' attitude to children? Is the way we respond to children in our church more a head or a heart thing?