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Open-ended, Life-centred, Gospel-Focused Explorations of Hebrew Bible Readings from the Australian Prayer Book. 
    Genesis 18:1-10a...8th S. after Pent. C / Mary Magdalene... For LK 10 or JN 20 please scroll

NOTES: 1] Read the Hebrew Bible in the light of our understanding of God revealed in Jesus. 2] Abraham seems to recognize the three visitors as super- natural beings, but early Christians saw in them a visitation by God, a 'preview' of the Trinity. In the 15th C. Russian monk & iconographer Andrei Rublev painted one of the most beautiful & famous of all icons, 'The Holy Trinity', based on this story. See it at Click: Artist Index, then 'Switch to Dual Mode Browsing', then the letter 'R' at the bottom, then 'Rublyov, Andrey' to find it, then on the small image that appears to enlarge it. It's worth it. (wga/hu is a great site!)
WARMING UP: How might we react  if three strangers suddenly appeared at meal time?

TREASURES OLD & NEW: Identify God at work in anything this week?

How much do we value our personal space, whether at the door of our tent or anywhere else? How open to intrusion are we? More by some people than others? Does the season of the year have any effect on the way we practise the Faith, or offer hospitality? Are there certain practices (e.g. Abraham's running & bowing) that mark the way we greet & play host to some people but not others? Are we more like Abraham's "If I have found favour with you" school, or more likely to see us as doing visitors a favour? How big a difference might taking one or other of these attitudes make to: a) the quality of our hospitality, & b) the quality of the visit? Given the importance of, & the legendary nature of Middle Eastern hospitality (which often features in the N.T.!), could we learn something from that approach to hospitality underlying this story, & Jesus' own attitude, & apply it ourselves? Are we good at both offering & accepting hospitality graciously?

 6-8    Do we commonly think of God as hospitable as well as all the other things God is? If Hospitality is a God-quality, & a Gift of the Spirit passed to us, how are we using that quality, that gift? What signs of God's hospitality can we identify in this biblical story, any other one, or from our own personal experience? Are we reflecting any God-quality we've identified in any of those places in the way we offer & receive hospitality? Does the word 'gracious' (showing grace) come to mind? Have we missed opportunities because we didn't / don't reflect the qualities Abraham, Sarah, & the three visitors (God?) show here? Not to mention Jesus?!

9-10   Is what one visitor says about Sarah giving birth too outrageous to take seriously? Can we see a connectedness between the promise to Sarah (& Abraham) here, that to Elisabeth (& Zechariah) & then Mary (& Joseph) in the Gospels? Was that kind of thing all right for its day, but not now? Putting a different 'spin' on it, can any of us bring anything worthwhile to birth for God without taking this story & those others seriously? Is there a common factor, & if so, what is it?