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Open-ended, Life-centred, Gospel-Focussed Explorations of the Hebrew Bible Readings from the Australian Prayer Book.
  HAB 1:1-4, 2:1-4... 19th S.after Pentecost, C.... (For LK 17:5-10, scroll.)

NOTES: 1] Read the Hebrew Bible in the light of our understanding of God in Jesus. 2] Habakkuk was a Prophet about 600BC at a time Judea was under great threat from the Chaldeans (Babylonians). 3] This part is a conversation between HAB & YAHWEH. Some of the book may have been used liturgically. The thrust of HAB is that YAHWEH is 'on the march' (NJB)  to save his people, using the Babylonians to punish them for their misdoings. 4] Paul uses 2:4 in RO 1:17 & GAL 3:11. It also appears in HEB 10:38.

WARMING UP:  Does marching / martial music appeal to us or not?

TREASURES OLD & NEW: Identify God at work in anything this week?

Do we ever find ourselves, like HAB, asking God,"How long do I have to ask for help?", or, "Why will you not listen?"? If not, why aren't we asking such questions? Could these be healthy questions just as readily as they could indicate a lack of faith on our part? Are we ever at least inclined to ask questions like these as we face increasing mindless violence in our own society & world? When is God going to do something about it all? What is God going to do about it all?  Might God's answers be just as unpalatable to us today as the thought of YAHWEH using the Babylonians, feared for their violence, to deal with the Judeans of HAB's day?
           What issues of violence, troubles, wrong-doing, destruction, strife, contention concern us? Or don't they? What does God say have to say about such things? What is God doing about such things? How much do we complain that laws are slack, & that justice doesn't always prevail? Isn't it a common complaint today that we have plenty of laws but not much justice? What ought YAHWEH God to be doing about that?
            Do we at all feel ourselves surrounded by the wicked? What about 'justice coming forth perverted'? Is the implication of this last that those who should be ensuring justice are in fact perverting it? Do we need to look any further than our own society for examples of this? How up to date is HAB?!

2:1-4    Does HAB's imagery of a lookout at their post ring any bells in the way we keep spotting things wrong with our society, governments, church, etc.? Might we sometimes give the impression that we spend too much time looking out for such things? (Maybe the 'Letters to the Editor' columns of our local papers show us examples of this from others? Not from us of course!) Are we as good at keeping watch for what YAHWEH wants us to 'see' as we are at spotting what others are up to? How can we best turn 'complaints' into 'opportunities' (for God & us)?
             What, if anything, are we doing to a) listen to, & b) spread God's attitude to wrong thinking, wrong doing, & their consequences? Or have we given up on that? Is it in the too hard basket? Where does true Vision come from? Are we sometimes too busy trying to beat up our own vision of things rather than discerning God's? How much is it still important for us to discern God's timing, wait for an end result, wait patiently for God's outcome in our life situations?
             What is it about those who are proud that shows us 'their spirit is not right in them'? What gives us away if we ourselves are guilty of pride? Is it crystal clear to anyone & everyone that we are living rightly ( = right in God's eyes) by our faith? What light does the Gospel (above) throw on issues HAB raises & we face?