NOTES: 1] Another time switch: back to Maundy Thursday. 2] Notice how in v.30, JN draws a line in the sand when Judas leaves. 3] Even Eugene Peterson, in his new translation 'The Message Remix', (Think, Colorado, 2003) hasn't used another word for 'glory' in vv.31-32. 4] If you have access to the ancient hymn, 'Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle' (in most tradition- al hymn books) you may find its insight of interest & help with 'glory'. 5] The word Jesus uses for 'love' in vv.34-35 means a love that's totally self-giving & other-person-centred. 6] P.S. Today's 'Mothers' Day'.
WARMING UP: What's the most glorious thing we've ever seen?
TREASURES OLD & NEW: Afterthoughts from, follow-up to last week’s Group, or since?
31-32 Do we have any sense that Jesus, JN, or both,
want us to see that anyone who turns their back on Jesus can't under- stand
what follows? Why might that be? Does Judas do what he does because he
can't understand what Jesus is on about? Is it worth asking ourselves how
much those of us who haven't turned our backs on him really understand
of what Jesus teaches here? Or is that a bit too close to the bone? Do
we ever, at least temporarily, walk away like Judas? Assuming we've come
back, do we have any 'catching up' to do?
What, for us, is at the heart of 'glory'? What about the fact that Jesus
is clearly talking about his betrayal, & soon to be Passion, as his
'glory' here? How hard is it for us to grasp that? Make something meaningful
of it? What about his saying that his Passion is God's 'glory' too? What
does his way of looking at 'glory', far removed from our usual use of the
word, tell us about Jesus? About God? Does the fact that countless artists
have depicted 'glory' in terms of light, e.g. white / gold colouring, haloes,
etc., make it easier or harder for us to see 'glory' the way Jesus sees
it here?
33 Are there ways we still find ourselves 'looking for' Jesus? How successfully? Is it still impossible for today's disciples to 'go where I am going', or, in fact, is that the only way we can truly be disciples today? What would it / does it / must it involve? Or, is that kind of 'glory' still in the too hard basket?
34-35 Is the 'new commandment' any more effective, in practice,
among us, than the old ones Jesus means it to surpass? What if we don't
even know the old ones we're meant to go beyond? If we've really grasped
/ been grasped by Jesus new command -ment to love, do we, in fact, still
need the old ones? Can we identify some ways by which we can show other
people that self- giving love is absolutely central to following Jesus?
Or have we / they given up on that one as too hard?
How realistic
is it for us to expect people outside the church to want to 'join up with
Jesus' because they see us 'having love for one another'? In practical
terms, how differently would they need to see us treating each other? Treating