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(Open-ended, Life-centred Explorations of the Scriptures for Home Groups)
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6th S. of Easter...1st May '05...JN 14:15-21

NOTES: 1] The context is still the Last Supper. 2] In v.16, 'advocate' means, literally, 'called to the side of', i.e. to  stand with us. 3] That Jesus (the Son) talks of 'not leaving us orphaned' (v.18) warns us not to divide the Trinity up too much!

WARMING UP: In a crisis of some kind, who would you rather have by your side? What does that depend upon?

TREASURES OLD & NEW: Identify God at work in anything that's happened this week?


15          What are Jesus' commandments? From where does he derive them? Do they differ from the Father's command- ments in any way? Are they any easier to keep than the Father's? Do we ever / have we ever tried keeping them without first loving Jesus? How do we / did we get on? How are we, as Jesus' disciples, to respond to those who say, "I lead a good life",or, "All you can do is give it your best shot", that kind of thing?

16-17     Do we ever have difficulty working out who's at our side: the Father, Jesus, or the Spirit? How do we tell the difference - if there is one? If we love Jesus, & trust that he keeps his promise, how much does it matter if we can't sort out the Persons of the Trinity? What if it's a 'Mother figure' we need by our side on occasions? If Jesus is 'The Truth', how does the Spirit function as the 'Spirit of Truth'? Is it simply a matter of finding out through experience?

Why is it that 'the world neither sees or knows the Spirit of truth'? Is that something we disciples can feel superior about, or is it up to us to do something about? Such as? Is there any real difference between the Spirit being with us, & dwelling in us?

18-21     In practical terms, what does 'not being left orphaned' mean for us? Have we ever actually expeienced our relation- ship with God like that?

"In a little will see me" refers to Jesus' death & resurrection, but became a 'prophecy' of a 'Second Coming' among later Christians who'd never seen Jesus in the flesh anyhow. Seeing we're also in that category, how important is it for us to see Jesus among us (e.g. "we are the body of Christ") & in each other? Is 'second' coming a bit of a misnomer?

What does it mean for Jesus to be 'in the Father'; ourselves to be 'in Jesus'; & Jesus to be 'in us' today? Is actually loving Jesus & keeping his commandments the way to work through what might otherwise seem to be a game of mental gymnastics?