NOTES: 1] We're back in the upper room. What Jesus says (prays)
here can be hard going, but stick at it! 2] In v.23, the word translated
'completely' (one) is the word Jesus uses on the cross: "It is accomplished
/ perfected". It leaves no room for half-measures. 3] One way of
understanding v.24 is that Jesus wants them to stay with him throughout
his coming ordeal, which will be his 'glory'. 4] Righteous (v.25)
means, in short, that being & acting right(ly) & justly which is
at the heart of God's nature.
5] Biblically, 'name' (v.26) encompasses the complete nature,
the essence of a person.
WARMING UP: Is the old expression, "united we stand, divided we fall' invariably true?
TREASURES OLD & NEW: Afterthoughts from, follow-up to last week’s Group, or since?
20-21 Does it strike us that even though Jesus was praying long ago, we are among those who 'will believe...'? Do 'those who believe', & 'those who will believe' find a regular place (or a place at all) in our own prayers? What about the 'who will believe in me through their word' bit? How widely ranging are our prayers? What (who?) decides who's prayed for & who's not? Is 'oneness' high on our list? What kind of oneness? What kind of oneness is Jesus praying about? Does it bear much relationship to the 'unity' we pray for - if we pray for it at all? Is the half-hearted goal of church unity a distraction from the 'oneness' Jesus prays about here? Does any oneness we claim, or pray for, reflect that oneness that Jesus & the Father have? How might we define that oneness Jesus & the Father have? How persuasive is our 'oneness' to others to believe & become one with us, too?
22-23 What is the glory God has given Jesus? That Jesus has given us? What bearing does glory have on our being one as God & Jesus are one? Although we talk about God, or Jesus, being 'in' us, is that indwelling sufficient to convince 'the world' that God sent Jesus? Sufficient to convince others that God loves us (believers) as much as he loves Jesus, & want to become believers, too? Is the world at a stage now where it desperately needs this kind of oneness? But why should it 'go for it'?
24 How likely are we to be so close to Jesus (us in him & he in us) where the action is (i.e. where we're needed) that we'll share the kind of glory he suffers rather than any kind of kudos? Is Jesus suggesting that to share his glory, we need to be 'crucified', too? If he is, should we get out while the going's good?
25-26 Why has it become so common for 'righteous' to be
confused with 'self-righteous' today? How much is that of our own doing?
How much is our own righteousness (a gift from God through Jesus) a demonstration
to 'the world' that just as God sent Jesus, so Jesus has sent us? Or is
that just self-righteousness? How well does Charles Wesley capture the
issue in these words of a hymn: 'Jesus, thy blood and righteousness my
beauty are, my glorious dress'..... AHB 137
love got to do with any of this?