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(Open-ended, Life-centred Explorations of the Sunday Gospels for Home Groups)
MK 1: 9-15...Sunday, March 5th, 2006...1st Sunday in Lent

1] MK introduces Jesus very concisely. 2] How much Jesus already knows about JB & his message is uncertain. 3] The events of 10-11 are called a 'theophany', i.e. a revealing of God. 4] 'Testing' & 'tempting are both valid translations of v.13. Testing has a more positive emphasis, tempting a more negative one. For Jesus' testing see also: MT 4:1-11, LK 4: 1-13.

WARMING UP: Why might it be that 'open-air preachers' are now a thing of the past?

TREASURES OLD & NEW: Identify God at work in anything this week?

9           How far, if at all, would we travel to hear a preacher or speaker of note today? Does our community have any kind of forum where people can put their views on political, religious, or other issues? Has public speaking been too abused by those who too obviously love to hear their own voice? On what grounds would Jesus most likely have 'assessed' JB & his message? How are we to assess the validity of those proclaiming their various 'messages from God' today?

10-11    Given that God's Spirit publicly validates Jesus after he's been baptised, have we ever found God in some way 'validating' a course of action after we've done whatever it was, when we might have appreciated it beforehand? Does our 'faith' mean we don't need validation before or after an action? Do the kind of 'outward signs' Jesus receives here stretch today's credulity too far - even those of faithful people like us?

12-13      Have we ever felt 'hard done by' at some testing God has put us through - (or we believe God did)? How do we know if our testing is of God or not? If we are  tested (by God) in some way, how do we know when we've emerged at the other end? While being tempted might test us, does testing necessarily involve being tempted? What's the difference between being 'tested' & 'tempted'? Have we experienced one or the other, or both? Did we ever sense 'wild animals' of any kind, real or imagined at hand threatening us? Are we conscious of angels looking after us? Are they supernatural or human 'messengers of God', or both?

14-15      Is it possible Jesus might have seen JB's imprisonment as validating his (JB's) mission, rather than discrediting him & what he had to say? Might some see our discipleship as more valid if we got into trouble for calling for God-principles to be upheld? Are we as aware as we could be of the plight of Christians who do end up in gaol, or worse, in some places?
               Can we see any evidence that 'the time is fulfilled'? What does that mean, anyhow? If all time is 'God's Time', how come we don't seem to see much evidence of that? Are we looking in the wrong places? Where should we look for evidence that it's God's Time right now?
             Is God's Rule obvious where we live? What makes it happen? Who or what obstructs it? What's the essence of God's Rule? Can we see it at work around us in any way? Is any evidence we see sufficient after all this time?
            Have we turned our own hearts sufficiently in the direction of God, & are our lives clearly enough directed towards God to be able to say we've repented?
              Is there an argument for our finding more imaginative ways of proclaiming that 'Jesus himself is the God (Good) News', & living Him out, rather than persisting in trying to spell Gospel out in words?

Preachers may like to visit re this passage.