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MK 6: 30-34 & 53-56…6th / 7th S. after Pentecost

NOTES: 1].   vv. 35-52 are probably omitted because the stories appear next Sunday in a parallel version (JN 6). 2]  John the Baptist has just been executed. No doubt there is turmoil in Jesus’ & his followers’ hearts & minds.

WARMING UP: Have we ever made any significant trip specifically to hear some noted speaker? Was it worth it?

TREASURES OLD & NEW: Identify God at work in anything this week?


30                In our experience of work, community, church, etc., is there / has there been: a) enough follow up? b) enough reporting back? c) enough action to get things done?

31-32  What lessons can we learn from Jesus’ attitude here to taking time off / making space to be quiet in the midst of our (Christian) business? Do we feel guilty when we’re not rushing around organizing something, or otherwise being active? Does ‘going apart & being quiet’ play a big enough role in our faith journey / receive enough emphasis from  the church?

33-34        How do we strike the right ‘balance’ between being ‘off duty’, and making time for people & situations that come at us ‘out of left-field’? Is there such a balance? From a Christian persepctive, is there such a thing as 'being off duty’? {The word used here of Jesus being ‘moved with compassion’ literally means some -thing like ‘being moved in the pit of your stomach’, or, less politely, in your ‘gut(s)’.} Are we ever conscious of being moved as deeply as that at someone’s  need? Or are we more used to showing ‘pity’? What's the difference between pity & compassion? How might the outcomes of the two be different?

The idea of shepherding is very strong in the Hebrew Bible (our O.T.) There, those chosen by God to be leaders in church or society have the responsibility to be shepherds of God’s people – but they often fail. (See PS 23, EZEK 34 & 37:24 for background.)} How would we rate the quality of the church’s shepherding today? Whose responsibility is it now? Does the fact that our society has different ‘power structures’ from 1st C. Palestine mean we need to come up with different shepherding structures too? Or is it still the responsibility only of those at ‘the top’? Does the church really have a ‘top’, or only those who think of themselves as ‘top’?

If ‘we are the Body of Christ’ is it easy enough for people in need today to recognize Jesus in us so they can be healed in some way?Are we recognizable enough as ‘Jesus’? Are we / should we be as much use to people today as Jesus was back then? Does touching the fringe of Jesus’ robe smack a bit too much of those car stickers with ‘Magic Happens’ on them? What’s the difference between faith and magic, anyway? Could we explain that to an enquirer? What of those today who look to magic more than faith for results? Are they simply ‘sheep without a shepherd’ - or is there more to it than that?