broke kitty-- gotta love it!

Broke Kitty is now one week old! Aren't you stoked? It was exactly one week ago today, at around this time, that I decided to spew some chunks, textually, and send them off into the black whole called the World Wide Web.

The original idea was to have an anonymous forum for cultural criticism, rants, and venting that didn't necessitate the backing of a publisher, editor, or buttnard other than myself. I flushed the anonymity factor down the toilet once I realized no one would read this crap but my friends and family-- at least not at first. I have even been so bold as to send the URL to my father, who so aptly asked me, "Can you write poetry while you're happy?"

No dad. Only when the razor blades are out, and I'm in the garage with the car exhaust pumping full blast. Actually, I prefer hot waxing and don't have a garage.

Things are good. The Shitty (i.e., New York Shitty) is treating me well. I'm treating the Shitty well too. Makes for a good relationship.

The political shenanigans of the past day have kept me and many others up watching the nightly news and sleeping with the shakes. Is anyone feeling un-American at the moment?

Well, I've questioned how I could live in a country with an idiot as its potential head of State (some of you may be asking-- which one?), but that's not strictly an American phenomenon. Many people in other countries have asked themselves similar questions.

I walked by an anarchist sign downtown today that said something about no matter who wins, we all lose. I wish I had the exact quote. The words looked like they came straight from a Microsoft Word template. That's right, anarchy and Microsoft Word man!

The older I get, the more I care. Perhaps this is a problem.

-Kat La Chatte

"Stay out the Bushes!" --Jesse Jackson

this page was first posted on 11/08/00 at 9:something p.m.
last updated 11/10/00 2:30PM


she's a poet and didn't even know it

pomegranates 11/9
mirrors 11/5
all that you do 11/5
oh those loveless birds 11/4
old enough 11/4
another day 11/2
foucault 11/1
momma said 10/31
the o.g. broke kitty 10/31
neat links
