A Brief History of Broke Kitty

Broke Kitty came to fruition in October 2000, from a stuffy little room in Park Slope, Brooklyn. It began as a forum for venting, essays and poetry by one Kat La Chatte, who at the time was a struggling grad student in journalism at NYU. Since that time, the kitty has moved thrice, firstly to Los Angeles, subsequently to San Francisco, (with a brief stop in El Salvador) and now back to Los Angeles again.

Broke Kitty has independently published one thin booklet of poems entitled My Heart Is Not A Basketball. Copies are available for $3 (although one day, perhaps they'll be more). Eventually, Broke Kitty would like to publish a comprehensive collection of poetry in paperback form. Look out Barnes and Noble! The webzine remains a convenient and necessary space for words, thoughts and emotions. Hopefully the words here provide solace and entertainment for more than just one. Thanks for reading.