
I'm moving to San Francisco two days from now. Still some residual packing, sorting, and organizing to do, but for the most part, I've been ready to go for the last two weeks.

Some people are scared to death of unemployment. I'm scared to death of full time employment. The reason is that every time I've been fully employed, I've calmly watched the life being sucked out of me, like a shadow in the glaring sun.

Sub teaching on the other hand has not been the job of my dreams. I keep thinking about whether this decision to go to art school will ruin my life, in the financial sense and the career climbing sense. Obviously, a simple choice like this can't ruin everything, but at my age, I feel I should be somewhere else. Of course, when I scope out the alternatives, nothing truly catches my eye.

I perpetually make lists of goals and things that I'd like to accomplish in this lifetime. Here are some of them:

Language and lit: fluency in 4
Travel: lots of it
Art: painting, photo, crafts, cooking, gifts, paper
Music: guitar, piano, voice, record
Teaching: ESL, English, writing, art, cultural studies, US and abroad
Writing: poetry, prose, books, mag
Degrees: BAs(2-4), MAs(1-3), PhD (1), teaching credential (1 or more)

I've made some progress on all of these goals; the key is to keep on going. Some rules of life I heard on the radio the other day:

1) Give more
2) Expect less
3) Love
4) If you get dirt thrown on you, shake it off.

I think these are words of wisdom. Preparing for the beginning of a new journey...

KLC, Los Angeles

