warning: the thought police are on broke kitty's arse

Websites provide bizarre yet convenient spaces for communication. They allow the writer to expound and edit obsessively, spontaneously, horrifically. By engaging more and more in this communicative process, Broke Kitty has entered the yellow cordoned area of specialized paranoia.

Just who is reading these words?

In this time of great technological achievement, methods of surveillance are on the rise. While Broke Kitty monitors who checks (and doesn't check) this website, one can only tell so much from a domain name or an IP address.

Fess up kitties-- are you looking at this site or not? If so, who are you? Why are you checking? What's going on? Halleluiah, give me strength!

The above excursion into dementia would've been more palatable in schnazzy questionaire form, no? Still, if you had someone named E01 on your arse, would your first thought not be in the realm of Orwell's _1984_?

Any comments, criticisms, boo-yas, thumbs up, and so on pertaining to the site are welcomed. Email only if you're real. Big Brother baby!

Kat La Chatte
editor/contributor/ layout/graphics/intern

"Go get me some coffee bitch!"


props to the puss

Email: katlachatte25@hotmail.com