ready for the world

Here I am
And there you are
(And there you are,
and there you are...)

Who can forget RFTW, Ready for the World, the 80's smooth cheese that warmed the hearts of so many boys and girls? These guys definitely surpass the suceeding crop of boy bands, churning out the bullshit for mass consumption. Ready for the World-- just thinking about them takes one back to a time when lyrics didn't make sense and didn't need to make sense. The music carried it's own emotions that subsumed dumb innocence.

The lyrics make more sense now; but now, who could be arsed to find the tape again? It represents a moment passed, a moment not worth reclaiming.

More changes of location, more moves, more displacements, too many friends to send valentines to, too little money to afford it, work the most fulfilling of social activities. When the toil is over, what will you need to breathe again? What could be the stimulus? Moments of truth arriving in moments where you turn inward, away from the baffling crowd, still stuck in a time that felt like 5 years ago. You left that place, that space, that time for a reason. And now-- where to?

--Kat La Chatte


