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Florida, part 4 - Blue Water, Blue Drinks

It was at this point in the vacation that my note-taking became pretty sporadic. Jer had flown in, and Dave had taken time off work, so it was nothing but shenanigans (mostly drunken shenanigans) from that point on. Dave was kindly enough to send me some of his photos he took while we were down, which helped to remind me what exactly we *did* during those coupla days.
Friday, March somethin' or other
Section 8 in 40-year old Ft. Lauderdale
Baseball Stadium, spring training home
of the Baltimore Orioles.

Now you know what Jeremie looks like also. Kinda.

I wish i had some sort of explanation for this fellow, but i don't.
He sold a lot of beer, though. Also notice, the single most evil player in baseball, Cal Ripken Jr., is up to bat in this picture.

In a seismic break with spring training tradition, i did not have a hot dog at this stadium.

Find Jens! Find Jer!

Dave, too, has a digital camera. He took most of the photos on this page. One of his favorite things to do is take pictures of completely random, somewhat unwitting people on the street. Apologies to this lady, of course, but this one's a classic.

Note how Dave seems to be the only one who knows how to use his camera. We entrusted this picture, which was supposed to be a group shot, to a very ditzy waitress at the blue drinks bar. Needless to say, Jer fell in love with her.

Yes, those are drinks ...

We also went back to South Beach for another splendid day. There's photos from that excursion, but i'm pretty sure you don't want to see us with our shirts off.

The girl (above) lives in Dave's apartment complex. Her name is Victoria, and she LOVES Dave. Dave tells a funny story about her running into his apartment and grabbing a huge knife off his kitchen table, then running around and laughing a lot.

Me, not feeling well

There's a great pier not too far from Dave's house. For a buck you can go out and sightsee, but mostly it's used for fishing. As you can see, this guy was having a good day.

Dave almost coaxed us into doing a little fishing while we were down there. I wish i'd done it, too, even though it makes me sad to see the fish get caught. At least until i eat it. Not like i woulda caught anything, anyway.

On my last night in Florida, we returned to this pier after loading up on blue drinks. We stared down into the calm water, still bluish even at night, and watched fish swim around. It was there that i saw the mighty Southern Cross for the first time, but, it being so close to the horizon, just looked like a big box. Oh, well. At least Crosby, Stills and Nash didn't write a song about the Big Dipper.

As i was building this page, i just now noticed that guy in the background in the awful bathing suit. I think this says all you need to know about Flordia.

Part 5 - Not much, really - Home