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Day 2 - The Velvet Lounge, Washington DC

To the left you can see "Kingpin," an after-hours bar where i played more than one game of Atari Pac-Man.

2/22, about 9pm. I'm sitting on a busted up leather couch at DC's Velvet Lounge, in a rather unattractive part of town. I'm wearing Jeff's polyester panda shirt, feeling full & odd. Mrs. Sparber's pasta sauce, with three (3) different kinds of meats was beyond delicious, but now everyone is very sleepy (Greg, who's attempting to nap in the van), sluggish (myself) and irratible (Jeff). James, understandbly, seems to be immune. I'm drinking seltzer. This place is charming, but shoddy and quite small. We've got a show in Charlotteville, VA on Monday night, but we've already been warned by our booker Blake not to play too loud that night. Yikes. After that, nothing until Gainesville on Friday. Some tour. On a good note, Philly ended up being pretty fun. My friends Katherine and Branko showed up, and took me and James to the Khyber to meet some of Philadelphia's rock inner circle. We had a drink or two. Quite productive, other than having to deal with a cartoonishly jerky bartender. He was a white guy with dreadlocks. If i have a prejudice, it's against white guys with dreadlocks. Nonetheless, if every night goes that well, i'd be ecstatic. Tonight we play with a local band named Monsoon. They recorded with our soundman Todd, strangely enough. We're playing last.

Greg, on the Sparbers: "They're the greatest family ever."

Meet the crew (l. to r.): Bookin' Blake Surbey, Todd Soundman, Mimi from Merchandise


This lady was really into it. She kept screaming "rock & rolllllll!!" in a shrill voice, and afterward grabbed the mike off the stage and busted into a rendition of C&C Music Factory's "Everybody Dance Now." Then her friends helped her home.

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