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Day 7 - The Velvet Elvis, Savannah, GA

South of the Border, down S. Carolina way

2/27: We're en route to Savannah, currently on I-95 in South Carolina. We burned a bunch of mix CDs, and i made a Steely Dan CD, for the trip, but the player in the van is extremely fickle, and we can't get any of them to play now. So, we're making due with a Hall & Oates Best of, and Bossanova. We were just at South of the Border, buying souvenirs and fireworks and bad food, of course. How could we not? Greg bought a figurine of an African-American baby for his brother. I mention this because saw one that was of, i shit you not, a black kid eating a watermelon. But apparently, the store was out of that one. James just got the worst-looking tamale we've ever seen, from a place Greg described as looking "like they shouldn't be serving food." I bought a backscratcher for my backscratcher-collecting friends Brian and Erika in Denver, and now i have no excuse not to call them. We also all bought astrological necklaces, from "Teen Sensations" or something like that, and tricked them out so they're all shorter. Jeff seems less than ecstatic about his, but the rest of us love 'em. For those of you keeping score at home, Jeff is a Cancer, Mimi a Gemini, Greg a Scorpio and James a Virgo. I'm kinda surprised James didn't get a different sign to mislead people. That seems like the sort of thing he'd do. Wow, my first ever jewelry. We all look pretty gay. Actually, it's funny to think how odd we all look once we get out of NYC. James and Jeff with their slick/cheesy leather jackets and mussy rocker hair, Greg with his white pants with the pockets on the front, me doing whatever it is i do.

Last night we played "Talent Night" at one of Chapel Hill's fine (and many) Irish Pubs. You know, you think of Chapel Hill, and you think of Superchunk and Polvo and the Archers of Loaf and all those semi-noteworthy indie-rock shits, and then you get there and you might as well be in Denver. One local guy i was talking to said it was a pretty beat scene down there these days. I was only there one night, but i'm pretty inclined to agree. Thus, "Talent Night" at the Irish Pub. Better than nothing, tho. We actually played acoustically (finally, a reason to have brought all those damn acoustic guitars), doing three songs: "Boys in Heat", "Spring is in the Air" and "Sleeping to Drink", featuring a quite-good harmonica solo by James "Jimmy Spoiler" Sparber. Pretty funny shit, us pretending to be a rock band with acoustic guitars. We went over pretty well, and met a few locals, so we seem well set up for next time. We were supposed to stay last night at some crummy "co-op" with a bunch of self-serious grad student hippy types, one of whom was wearing a Nirvana t-shirt. They had newspaper clippings regarding their non-profit co-op scam on the wall of their garage, where we would've been staying, and apparently they put on shows to raise money. Put another way, by Greg of course: "so basically they get other people to pay their rent for them." I don't wish to seem ungrateful for them agreeing to put us up, but after considereing the concrete floor and the lack of heating, and their unexcitement with meeting the legendary GIRL HARBOR, the whole plan was scrapped in favor of an $85 hotel room, a decision that was vindicated this morning by us not passing a Motel 6 for almost an hour. Plus, we got to take showers, and i got up early enough for the "continental breakfast." Still, not very punk rock.

Some photos

Mimi is working on "The Tour Movie" as i write this ...

One lucky sailor

Here's what the Velvet Elvis looked like
before we played. And after. And during.

Being in a rock band is fun

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