But anyway, seeing as
it's pretty much the midway point of the World Cup, and there's
bound to be one or two things you can't understand about footy and
whatnot, I thought I'd take the opportunity to put you right on
a few things. If there's owt else you don't get, just ask...

1. Why Is David Beckham
trying to look like a sea monster out of a 1950s B-Movie?
Very good question. It's
because, quite obviously, he's taking the piss. You may find
this hard to believe if all you can remember of the lad is kicking
out like a girly wuss and being blamed for England getting knocked
out in '98, but he can do absolutely no wrong at the moment - even
though everyone hates his wife (Skeletwhore herself, Posh Spice),
he's been photographed wearing a sarong, and said minging wife revealed
in a TV interview that he wears her knickers in the house. He's
an absolute fashion plate in the hair department - I used to work
next door to a Gay bar in Soho, and the week after he unvelied his
mohican cut, you would come out of work to be confronted by 50 Travis
Biclke lookalikes on the pavement.
Obviously, he's thought
fucking hell, it's the World Cup and I can have a right laugh.
I know - I'll do me hair the way you do it with kids in the bath
to shut 'em up. And - no lie - I must have seen a dozen twats
this week with the same style. I want him to write "I LIKE
FISTING" on his forehead with a marker pen to see how many
will take it up.
2. What's the deal
with the Village People song?
You mean 'Go West', right?
Well, its nothing to do with the average England supporters' championing
of homosexuality. Footy fans are renowned for taking popular songs
and redoing them, and this one originally came from the supporters
of Paris St Germain ("Alllez Paris St Germain")
who sang it repeatedly when they played Arsenal in a European match.
When Arsenal predictably went a goal up (as they always did
at the time), their fans started singing "One-NIIIILLL to
the Arse-en-al". And it spread all over Europe.
The other major contribution
to football history from the Village People was when they actually
recorded a song with the 1994 German World Cup squad. You can imagine
how grim it is.
3. Where's all the
Sahkah Violence?
Not happening, mate.
It's too far away, it costs an absolute packet to get there, and
it's so Eighties. And anyway, there'll be race riots in the North
of England soon, and all our meatheaded bigots are too busy preparing
for that.

4. What the fuck happened
to Argentina and France? Did someone cut their balls off?
This is an amazing turn
of events - and it would have been even more amusing if Italy had
gone out today. France were old and wheezy and time caught up on
them, while Argentina just buckled under the massive weight of expectation
foisted upon them. Solid favourites a while back, they were expected
to win it all and make their countrymen forget that their economy
has been pissed up the wall. Today is also the 20th anniversary
of Argentina surrendering the Falklands, so it's not the best of
times for the poor bastards. I've had a right good laugh at their
expense, but part of me really feels sorry for the pair of 'em -
and that its a damn shame they won't be there in the latter stages.
But then another part of me thinks 'Tee Hee!'
5. Brazil's gonna
win it, aren't they?
Jesus, I hope not. Nothing
against them, but Brazil winning would be a very predictable end
to the most unpredictable World Cup ever. They've had a right pussy
draw, and will play San Marino or Rhode Island or someone like that
in the next round. And I hate the way the fuckers on the telly wank
themselves bandy over what they did over 30 years ago, and all that
fake-arse Salsa and drumming shit has got on my tits ever since
Ricky fucking Martin. It gets in the way of the fact that they can
actually play a bit, but their defence looks well suspect and they
might get their arses kicked when they meet a serious team.

6. What about England
- Denmark?
Hm. Don't want to talk
about that right now.
7. What about the
Unlike most people, I
love it when America are in the World Cup, as (up until September
11th), it's been the only chance you ever get to patronise Americans.
When they win - Hurrah! Good for little ol' America! When they lose
- Awww, poor old America, they tried really hard and they can't
help it if they're a bit crap. One day, America will arise to the
glory of football, and win the thing. And we will never hear the
last of it. Until then, they've been an absolute joy to watch and
I hope they make it to the knockout stage, but I feel the same way
about South Korea and Portugal as well.
8. So who is gonna
win it, then?
God knows. Brazil are
favourites, but I can still see them choking. Italy have had an
absolute mare in the group stage, but they always do and then they
pick up serious momentum. Spain look good, but they always find
ways to balls it up. And then there's always England...
9. Oh, fuck off, Nishlord.
Surely you're not suggesting that England could win it...
Hey...why not? We actually
have a decent defence, we might just catch Brazil unawares in the
quarter-final, and then we could easily go all the way on a wave
of confidence. Beckham and Owen haven't even got started yet, and
if we can get out shit together and breeze past Denmark, it might
actually happen.
10. Really ?
No, I'm talking out me
arse. But then again...nah. Er, actually, I just don't know. Your
guess is as good as mine.
Right - the group stage
finishes tomorrow, and then we're full-tilt into the beginning of
the knockout rounds, and then it all goes mental. Keep it locked,
chaps...this weekend is gonna be SKILL...