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Latest Trip To India

April 2000 

We had the most fantastic time in India. It seemed as if everything we tried to achieve was blessed from the start and I think we can say that we archived almost everything that we set out to do.

Our aim was to establish links with refugees suitable for sponsorship in the UK. This we achieve through the help of our agent Suresh Kumar. Before I tell you about the individual contacts we must relate two very special events that occurred.

The first time we went to Trivandrum, the state capitol of Kerala, we passed the Cathedral of St Joseph. On pervious visits we had passed this many time but had never had the opportunity to enter. This time we were compelled to do so and by pure chance we had arrived just at the right time. The statue of Our Lady of Fatima, which was in India as part of its world tour, was being displayed at the Cathedral for just eight hours.

Later we met the priest in charge of the Cathedral who took us to the refuge that they run in conjunction with the Rotary Club of Trivandrum.

Below is a brief outline of the three organizations we have decided to promote for sponsorship.


The St Joseph Cathedral and Trivandrum Rotary Club Home for Boys.

This is a wonderful home for about 35 destitute boys aged from 5-11. They live in a rented house and are looked after by teachers and nuns who genuinely care for them. They would love to move into more permanent location and expand here numbers. There is a very great problem with the vast number of children who live on the streets of Trivandrum. Anything that can be done to take children of the streets is a valuable work.


The Ananda Nilayam Orphanage for Destitute Children.

This is a Hindu project that cares for over 50 children of various ages, all of whom have a true sense of belonging to a real home. The children all share the house work and attend school. Many of the children have special tuition by voluntary teachers to supplement their school work. There present accommodation is very cramped and much help is required to update the accommodation and enable this excellent establishment to expand.


The Suresh Kumar Millennium Star Cricket Club Kovalam.

It seems strange to be promoting the sponsorship of a cricket club but Suresh, who is our agent in Kovalam had a wonderful idea that would encourage and enable destitute children in his area to attend school. Cricket is the passion of all children in India and we provided Suresh with fabulous cricket equipment to form a club in his area. However to attend this club you have to go to school but many children cannot afford to do this. It is Suresh's aim through this club, not only to tempt children to go to school but to enable children who financially cannot afford to do so by providing the means to enable this dream. This will inevitably mean the establishment of a school and refuge facilities for destitute children. As this is the project of our agent we are very keen to give this maximum support.


For More Information concerning these three new projects and details of how to sponsor them, refer to

Children Helping Children

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