A publication devoted to making sense out of the twenty-first century.
By: AUTHOR UNKNOWN (if anyone knows the source please let us know.)
A couple was driving along when they saw a woman off in the distance
frantically waving for them to stop. As they got closer,
they noticed the woman had cuts and bruises on her face and
arms. They decided to stop and see if
they could be of any help.
The cut and bruised woman was begging for help telling
them that she had been in a car accident and that her
husband and son, a new born baby, were still inside the car
which was in a deep ditch. She told them that the husband
was already dead but that her baby seemed to still be alive.
The husband ran down to the car to see if he could rescue the baby.
When he got to the car he noticed two people in the front seat but
but paid very little attention to them as he removed the baby.
He carried the baby back to the car. He did not see the mother and
asked his wife where she was. His wife stated that she followed him
down the ditch to the car.
He then climbed back down to the car to look for
the woman, he noticed that clearly the two people in the front
seats were dead; a woman and a man with both their seatbelts on.
When he looked closer, he noticed that it was the exact same woman
that was begging them for help in the beginning.
Do you think that it was a miracle of God?
The Baby now lives with family members and he
will live to tell the story.
If you believe in the Almighty and that miracles like these can
truly happen, send this to your friends. If you don't send it, nothing
will happen, only that the some people won't be able to know of the
of the Lord.