Deobjectification or anti-language


Deobjectification or anti-language is a breaking down of any established communications system replaced by random actions in order to allow for new understanding. -Every object: sound/smell/taste/site/touch/thought/idea (perception) is a symbol for many things. Some of these things are collective and some are specific to individuals. -It is easier to deobjectify or remove symbolic reference to noise. It is not easy to do this with words.

The nature of the symbol in psychological terms:
There is an object (apple) that is represented by a word, spoken or written (apple) which can also be represented by a definition (sweet, sometimes green, sometimes red, sphere-shaped fruit) which lead to a concept. The concept is not tangible, but rather something that exists in the subconscious. It contains more than just the idea of the object (the apple), but also the ideas it connotes.

Our language can contain us and therefore limit us. The container is our own perception since every one of us has his own version of understanding the symbols that surround us.

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One day Chuang-tzu and a friend were walking along a riverbank. "How delightfully the fishes are enjoying themselves in the water!" Chuang-tzu exclaimed. "You are not a fish," His friend said. "How do you know whether or not the fishes are enjoying themselves?" " You are not me," Chuang-tzu said. "How do you know that I do not know that the fishes are enjoying themselves?" ~Taoist Mondo
If you are an expert in your language whether it be gestural, verbal, visual or bumpy, you are limiting yourself.
Metaphor in poetry, Dada and Zen loosen this limitation of language. Words become symbols for more than the one thing they commonly signify. A chair becomes an ass or a hug. A glass bowl becomes the sky or a pond. These significations depend on global and individual perceptions. Jung noticed that the sun often makes many people think of God. An individual might hear a car horn and, due to a certain memory, will think of his or her childhood pet.
Take it a step further and add chance to the mix to expel your ego from your poetry. Be fascinated by what nature shows you or by what your subconscious surprises you with. Joseph Kosuth's Chair and Rene Magrite's Pipe are both works of art that exemplify this idea.

Nothing is weird or normal. Nothing is wrong or right. This is irrational thinking.

"Zen is the unsymbolization of the world" ~R.H. Blyth

"A painting of a rice cake does not satisfy hunger" ~ancient saying

"Thought is produced in the mouth" ~Tristan Tzara

"The shell must be cracked apart if what is in it is to come out, for if you want the kernel you must break the shell. And therefore, if you want to discover nature's nakedness, you must destroy its symbols, and the farther you get in the nearer you come to its essence. When you come to the One that gathers all things up into itself, there your soul must stay." ~Meister Eckhart




