THE DAILY TRAVESTY | Observations of Love & Sex
    Volume 1, Issue 26
The Travesty Online:
    I still miss my ex-girlfriend, but my aim is getting better.
We will be doing some Valentine's Day type-stuff over the next week, to capitalize on the theme.  Why not?  Don't gripe if you are depressed about it.  (on second thought, go ahead.)  We are not going to get mushy and gooey on your ass.  We're just going to make the effort to publish some relationship-oriented material which will hopefully be relevant to everybody.  Contribute if you like.  We would especially be interested in thoughts from any of our gay/queer readers, to help balance things out.


differences between love and in-love:
    a stick-figure drawing of in-love shows two people facing
    each other, gazing into each other (the rest of the
    world and all of time is out of range of view)

    a stick-figure drawing of love shows two people holding
    hands, both looking toward the horizon (the rest of the
    world is encompassed in their view as they face the future)

    in-love, when lucky, turns into love, otherwise it passes

    love, when lucky, grows to include in-love, but doesn't
    pass when in-love doesn't happen


Cosmopolitan, June 1951

Your daughter is fourteen....   She is aware of feelings she never had before and cannot understand.  

Social standards have changed -- often for the worse.   There are still an amazing number of youngsters who have gleaned their information and misinformation from each other, and to whom sex is still a subject for embarrassed whispering.

Question: "All the boys say there is nothing to do after a party but pet."

    Answer: "Trivial sex experience may dull your capacity for truly great love.... The more you pet, the more your body clamors for closer union."
Question: "Boys say they don't want their wives to be virgins anymore. That's all out of date now, Mother."
    Answer: "The sex act is often painful at first and not pleasureable at all....   Therefore if you have sexual intercourse at an early age you may be disgusted and frightened by it--and never marry."
Keep in mind that this issue of Cosmo was before feminist Helen Gurly Brown took over the publication, and they probably wouldn't get caught dead printing this today. Thanks to, an unbelievably well-done site (not porn) I accessed through Eric's Planet Waves.  A resource for teens and adults I encourage you to take advantage of. (hey, if it's been banned by the Christian Coalition...)

Some Favorite Spaghetti Western Movie Titles
(because it can't ALL be about love and sex)

       Heads I Kill You, Tails You're Dead
       His Name Was Sam Wallach, But They Called Him Amen
       One Damned Day At Dawn
       If You Meet Sartana...Pray for Your Death
       My Horse, My Gun, Your Widow
       On the Third Day Arrived a Crow
       Too Much Gold For One Gringo
       Hate Your Neighbour
       Shoot First, Laugh Last

Hi, I'm bc.  I am called "editor."  I write stuff myself sometimes.  No, really.