THE DAILY TRAVESTY for January 6, 2000
    Volume 1, Issue 4
    brought to you by B.C. and the faeries
I once balled the wife of the dean
Seven times while the dean was out ski'in'
She remarked with some gaiety
"Not bad for the laity –
But the Bishop once managed thirteen!"

T.O.C. (Table of Contents) for today's issue
1. a stanza from a bawdy limerick
2. an irrelevent Table of Contents
3. Calling All Complainers!!
4. Something to Complain About
5. Fun With W
6. some stuff most of you have seen before

Are you having a bad day?  Anything you feel like whinin' or bitchin' about?  Is no one taking you or your opinions seriously?  Do you feel like stuffing the torn up shoe down your dog's throat and then mailing his dead body to your boss??  Well then look no further, the DAILY TRAVESTY is now taking your complaints!  Yes, that's right, we're giving you a forum to bitch and gripe to your boiling heart's content!  We'll even clap and holler after you finish your rant!  So please, avoid that nervous breakdown and let it all out with an email to  We'll see to it that you get a respectful audience.

IRS Under Investigation

The number of IRS inspectors under investigation will soon nearly equal the number of Americans suspected of tax crimes, according to the New York Times. The Treasury Department's new inspector general for tax affairs, David Williams, plans to investigate 4,000 workers for the 2000 fiscal year, which began in October.

That number means that almost one out of every 28 IRS employees will be probed in the next fiscal year for suspected misconduct.  Among front-line workers -- such as auditors and collectors -- 1 in 9 will be investigated.  This unprecedented number of investigations is one reason the IRS plans to reduce audit rates by one-third next year.

Charges being investigated range from harassing taxpayers to theft.

By comparison, notes the Times, fewer than 1 in 2,000 workers at the Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services will be investigated in fiscal year 2000.

(Source: New York Times, 11/18/99)

FUN WITH W by Tucker
New York Times Nov 11.  CBS News poll conducted two weeks previously.  Only 61% of George W. Bush's supporters could give a specific reason as to why they favored him over other Republican candidates.  38% identified him as the son of a former prez; 6% identified him as a former prez (yes, these are his supporters); only 5% identified him as the governor of Texas.
My friend Ray told me that the W. signed his 100th death warrant as Texas governor in August 1999.  I suppose it fits in with the "biblical values" that are expected of the president.  George W. Bush.  Preserving Christian virtues in a world where most countries have unfortunately seen fit to abolish the death penalty under the godless liberal rubric of "human rights."
Just try to smear my presidential campaign.  Just try.

Thanks this issue to R.A.W. and the Advocates for Self-Government.
Pass it on, pass it on!  Sweet Jesus, Hallelujah!
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