The Daily Travesty
28 April 2000                    Email
Vol. 1, Issue 76                On the Web

Sent to us from Carol.

One Last Word About Taurus....

(the big conjunction in the sky takes place on May 5th)

Now, as for that earthquake I mentioned above, the one that is happening right now.  The immediate view, from a technical standpoint, is that, first, we have a lot of planets in Taurus.  Stubborn, practical, sensuous, immobile, erotic, lusty, comfortable, cum-hither Taurus is getting blasted, floated, restructured, and filled with planets.  Conventional astrology gives you keywords like "I Possess" for Taurus, but the greatest possession is that which we have in and of ourselves, and that which, as a result, we have to offer the culture.  Perhaps the greatest maturing that a modern person can go through is the recognition that we really do have a gift for everyone else, the awareness that we are "worth something" in the best sense of the words.

But most of us are fairly stubborn about taking that step, internally and externally.  We "can't believe" that we're really worth or worthy of anything. This stubbornness takes the form of procrastination, laziness, fear and so on, but you could sum it up as being stuck.

There is an exercise from a school of thought called Neurolinguistic Programming that involves studying five steps of inner being, and it's called "Stuck to Clear."  The steps are: Stuck, Missing Something, Confused, Curious, and Clear (as in Alert). The wisdom of this path teaches that, typically, we run a maze of Stuck, Missing Something and Confused.  Why? Because we never get to curiosity.  Why?  The highest state of curiosity is sexual curiosity.  And we have had our sexual curiosity crushed by the morals of our culture.  Then we associate all other curiosity with sexual curiosity, which, by association, is bad, so we avoid it.  Thus, we can rarely count on our curiosity to get us out of the patterns that we are in, which it would do just fine, if we let it.  What, after all, is going on in Alaska?  I think I'll find out.  What are the people like in Barcelona? I think I'll meet them. Who IS that woman?  I think I'll say hello.  Now, Taurus is pretty sexual.  Trust me, I have Venus there.  So my two words of wisdom for the big conjunction: Get Curious.

Don't worry, it's easy.

Okay, sort of easy.  Women will need to do something a little on the aggressive side, like for example, risk their reputation and say hello, or ask guys out, or make offers, perhaps even to women; and to openly admit to loving passion; and most of all, to explore yourselves.  Men will need to give up their fear of rejection, justified as it may be, and move consciously (curiously) in the direction of the people they find the very most attractive -- and no compromises here.  And it would serve men very well to explore themselves, to get into their own inner sexual curiosities.  Men will need to stop being terrified of the sexuality of other men.  I don't mean "go queer," I just mean easy on the homophobia, please. Have you ever wondered what is so sexy about women?  Could it be simply that they find it easy to experience other women emotionally and physically?  That they are, more often than not, capable of not rejecting themselves by rejecting their own gender?

more by Eric

----> What you are seeking is causing you to seek. <----