THE DAILY TRAVESTY | Lost Cities Discovered

The Daily Travesty

8 June 2000            email
Vol. 1, Issue 99       on the web
all the modern things
like cars and such
have always existed
they've just been waiting in a mountain
for the right moment
listening to the irritating noises
of dinosaurs and people
dabbling outside

A powerful X-class solar flare erupted from active region 9026 on June 6th at 1530 UT. Soon thereafter, coronagraphs on board the orbiting Solar and Heliospheric Observatory recorded this dramatic full-halo coronal mass ejection

NASA & NOAA space weather forecasters say that the leading edge of the disturbance will trigger geomagnetic storms -- including aurora -- when it passes by Earth on June 8.

Lost Pharaonic cities of the deep

ALEXANDRIA, Egypt, June 3 —  Archaeologists scouring the Mediterranean seabed announced Saturday that they have found the 2,500-year-old ruins of submerged Pharaonic cities that until now were known only through Greek tragedies, travelogues and legends.
AMONG THE STUNNING discoveries at the sites — where the cities of Herakleion, Canopus and Menouthis once stood — are remarkably preserved houses, temples, port infrastructure and colossal statues that stand testimony to the citizens’ luxuriant lifestyle, which some travelers had described as decadent.
This is the first time that historians have found physical evidence of the existence of the lost cities, which were famous not only for their riches and arts, but also for numerous temples dedicated to the gods Isis, Serapis and Osiris, making the region an important pilgrimage destination for various cults.
Herakleion, once a customs port where commerce flourished until the founding of Alexandria by Alexander the Great in 331 B.C., was found in its entirety.
“We have an intact city, frozen in time,” French archaeologist Franck Goddio, who led the international team in the search, told The Associated Press.
© 2000 Associated Press. All rights reserved. 

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