W W W a v e s
that make good surfing...

Every Body's gotta have it.

Betty Dodson Online That foxy old dame with the priceless message.

Sexuality.org Sex ed, San Franciso-style. Positive, healthy information for all lifestyles.

Compersion.net Another site with Eric Francis at the helm, dedicated to a new kind of loving.

A finger pointing at the moon.

Planet Waves Homepage of astrologer and journalist Eric Francis. Much more here that horoscopes.

Free Will Astrology The one, the only funky pagan tantric poet.

Jonathan Cainer The silly Englishman with the head of a Philosopher.

Free HIGH QUALITY charts!! for astrology buffs and those who are curious. So many options it makes me dizzy. Asteroids, heliocentric, and yes, even Centaurs! Great site-- please thank the nice Germans.

Amusing Diversions

The Onion Refreshingly warped news satire.

Xena the Warrior Princess Her courage will change the world.

Friend Bear Only Friend Bear can speak for Friend Bear.

What?! That's not what the man on TV said!!

D|i|s|i|n|f|o|r|m|a|t|i|o|n The subculture search engine.

E=±mc²=Thé Ðëòxÿríßøñµçlëìç HÿÞêrdïmèñsîøñ A large and diverse multimedia hyperarchive specifically designed to modify and enhance the boundaries of your consensually circumscribed mind. B.C. has gotten lost here for hours.

The Robert Anton Wilson Homepage

Slashdot News for Nerds.

For lack of a better term. Sites making a difference.

Adbusters Culture-Jamming Headquarters. Home of the Whip-Smart spoof ad.

The Hunger Site. Donate food with a mouse click. It doesn't cost you a dime.

The Rainforest Site. Same concept as The Hunger Site, designed to save rainforest land.

Buy Stuff
Bypass the State Sales Tax while you still can!

The Archie McPhee Toy Store. Irreverent, irrelevent, what more could you want?

The Essential Media Counter Culture Catalog A discount store, catalog and guide to underground and alternative culture. (books, cds, comics, magazines, video, and zines from the fringe)

More links to come!

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