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Reid, Sads and Ryan to stay in Div I

First Wolves', and now Millwall also failed to turn around the result from last Sunday, with Birmingham clinching the only goal. And for the Lions it was heartache as Birmingham scored 1 minute into injury time.

Although Millwall looked the better half certainly in the second 45, there was nothing that the Republic of Irelands' Stephen Reid , Richard Sadlier (Sads) and Robbie Ryan could do. When the final whistle went the Millwall players went to their knees, in physical, and emotional pain.

Reid again impressed with pinpoint crosses, and his form this season should surely warrant interest from the bigger clubs. Well if not this season then next season. Sads on the other hand did not feature due to hip injury. Robbie Ryan was involved for Millwall. On an even more negative note, Millwall fans went berserk after the game, causing major damage to properties and the area itself.

Once again, the thuggish element which sees football as a cover for their violent tendencies has sullied the name of football, and Millwall Football club. Cars were burnt out; bricks and bottles were thrown. And many Police officers and their horses were hurt, six seriously injured.

Former Republic of Ireland intl.' and Birmingham citys' captain Jeff Kenna will now go to Cardiff with his team to face Norwich, on Sunday 12th May 2002. Birmingham’s goal came from Trinidad and Tobagos' Stern John, and the final result the penultimate prize awaiting the winner: The last place up for grabs in the Premiership

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