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Republic of Ireland 14th Best in the world

The Republic of Ireland National Soccer Team has come in at 14th place in the current FIFA world rankings. Up only one place but it is hard to believe that our previous performances have not taken us higher up the table. However with only one win and three draws in World Cup 2002 (Match v Spain counted as a FIFA draw), and one win and a loss at home in the two recent FIFA friendlies at Lansdowne (U.S.A. & Nigeria respectively), the position is justified. Brazil are now number one having knocked France to just third. And our friends over the Water, England, have moved up 4 places to eighth with their impressive wins' against Denmark and Argentina in the World Cup 2002.

Top 15

1. Brazil (2) 2. Argentina (2) 3. France (1) 4. Spain (8) 5. Germany (11) 6. Mexico (7) 7. Portugal (5) 8. England (12) 9. Colombia (4) 10. Italy (6) 11. USA (13) 12. Turkey (22) 13. Denmark (20) 14. Republic of Ireland (15) 15. Holland (9). Previous position in brackets.

Republic of Ireland U19s, European Championships

The future of the Republic of Ireland Team go head to head with England, Germany and Belgium in the U19 European Championship in Norway which starts on July 21 this year. Brian Kerr (Republic of Ireland U19 Mgr) has picked an 18 man squad with 14 Irish boys from the premiership, and 4 from various other English divisions. The U18 boys won the title in 1998 in Cyprus @ U18 level, but UEFA have now changed the age of teams from U18 - U19.

U19 Squad as Follows

Wayne Henderson (Aston Villa), Brian Murphy (Manchester City), Stephen Brennan (Newcastle United), Mark Rossiter (Sunderland), Stephen Kelly (Tottenham Hotspur), Paddy McCarthy (Manchester City), Stephen Paisley (Manchester City), Stephen Capper (Sunderland), Ian Simpemba (Wycombe Wanderers), Graham Ward (Wolverhampton Wanderers), Sean Thornton (Sunderland), Keith Gilroy (Middlesbrough), Michael Foley (Liverpool), Liam Kearney (Nottingham Forest), Daryl McMahon (West Ham United), Stephen Elliott (Manchester City), Jonathan Daly (Stockport County), Adrian Deane (Charlton Athletic).

And Finally

The Irish Fans in Japan/Korea were voted the "best in the tournament" by FIFA............Nice one

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