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Down and Out. But the best is yet to come...believe me

We came and for a while we conquered. Our Lads are Heroes

Each and every one of them. And there’s not a worse way to go out of the World Cup but to be beaten on penalties. It was an unbelievable performance of Irish spirit and Irish determination, everything our team has become famous for, along with tremendous football, almost got us to the quarter finals of the World Cup 2002.

Robbie Keane scored from the penalty spot on 90 minutes to force extra-time and after penalties, we left the stage in tears.

And by the way, theres no doubt in anyones minds that we deserved to win. Keano was on fire from the start hoping to get a hat trick of goals in the tournament, as it turns out he finished on four in total. In the second minute, he cut inside two markers and curled a shot just outside the right upright. Oh Lord how the hearts were beating. It was an amazing start for our Boys, but the Spanish showed their ability to move the ball at pace and soon our defence were showing some signs of problems. Apart from an Enrique header on the 4th minute, we were in charge from the start, thers no doubting that. But Spain’s Puyol sent a cross into the box and with Breen a yard behind Morientes; the Spanish striker guided the ball past Shay Given and into the net. Spain 1 – 0 Republic of Ireland

We were downhearted but yet we still fought on. Breen was playing a dangerous game with the offside trap, and thankfully it worked. Raul and Morientes were caught no more than "ten times" offside in the first 45. The game was now stretched and Given had to react sharply after a poor back header from Harte allowed Raul to snake through Breen and Staunton and slip a pass to Morientes who found the Irish 'keeper in his way.

Half-time Spain 1-0 Republic of Ireland.

We were like wild dogs in the second half, right from the start to finish. As we had done in previous games, our boys began the second-half with much more urgency and within five minutes Cunningham came on for Stan who was struggling with a first half knock/injury. Kilbane came close to scoring on 50 minutes, but Casillas saved and dropped the ball only for the Spanish to make a goal line clearance.

Bring on the mighty Quinn, to a huge roar from the Irish fans with the Duffer strangely enough taking on his role on the right. Then the turning point of the game.

Juanfran tripped the Duffer for his efforts in the 62nd minute in the box and the referee immediately pointed to the spot, though when the Duffers fall was replayed it was debatable!. Up stepped Harte, and he very rarely misses. But hat off to the man, he marched straight for the ball but his penalty was aimed too close to Casillas who saved and Kev Kilbane sliced the rebound with the goal at his mercy.

Raul had a goal disallowed for offside in the 68th minute. Increasingly desperate now, Ireland tried to get the ball to Duff - still bizarrely operating on the right-flank. And he responded, mesmerising a series of opponents before his best moment of the game, a mazy run which beat three men and ended with a shot fired inches wide of the left upright. Mick replaced Connolly for Harte in a last attempt to pack the front line and, with a few minutes, the numbers up front paid off. Holland flicked a clever ball onto Quinn's head and his touch put Keane in. The Leeds striker bravely went in feet first and clattered Casillas. But Keane still had enough in him to lift the roof with the clock reading 90 minutes. Quinn who was manhandled by Hierro a few minutes previously, was again obstructed. And yet again the Ref pointed to the spot. With such composure Robbie stepped up and walloped his penalty to the left of Casillas and into the net.

Full-time. Spain 1-1 Republic of Ireland.

No Albelda for extra-time, handing us a numerical advantage. But Mendieta had the first chance of extra-time, flying off the left flank and curling a shot wide of the right post. As extra-time progressed, Spain fell back on the ropes as Ireland piled forward with Quinn the target for an ever-increasing number of long balls. Baraja forced Given to make a great stop in the 20th minute but the play switched immediately to the other end and Connolly came agonisingly close to the winner when he sent a shot skimming past the right upright - inches wide.

End of extra time Spain 1 – 1 Republic of Ireland

Penalty Shootout

Robbie Keane scored, Hierro scores. Matt Holland misses, Baraja scorers. Connolly misses, Juanfran misses. Kilbane misses, Valeron misses. Finnan scores, Mendieta scores.

Final Score Spain 3 – 2 Republic of Ireland (Spain win on penalties)


REPUBLIC OF IRELAND Given, Finnan, Breen, Staunton (Cunningham 49), Harte (Connolly 81), Kelly (Quinn 54), Kinsella, Holland, Kilbane, Keane, and Duff.

SPAIN Casillas, Juanfran, Helguera, Puyol, Hierro, Raul (Luque 80), Baraja, Morientes (Albelda 67), De Pedro (Mendieta 65), Valeron, Enrique.

Mick was very disappointed with the result, but was quick to praise all 22 members of his squad. Mick said after the game - ”It’s sickening. We could have won the game. We had a potential winner of this World Cup on the run. I said to the players before the penalties that whatever happened, there would be no recriminations. We’ve had a wonderful World Cup and I am full of admiration for all the lads, even those who didn’t played. They are a wonderful bunch of lads. The lads who took the penalties? Well that’s tough. So there will be no complaints from me”.

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