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Quinn has a decision to make

According to the new Blackcat's boss ‘Howard Wilkinson’, decision day is fast approaching for former Republic of Ireland & Sunderland striker Niall Quinn.

Although for sure, Wilkinson will not force Quinn out of the door after six years of loyal service with the club, during which time he has played a major role in bringing the best times most Sunderland fans can remember. But, with Peter Reid gone, Wilkinson says the Irishman must decide if he wants to coach or play football.

"We've got to resolve the issue of which camp Niall is in. Peter's departure left Niall mentally and emotionally in a bad way. He felt he had responsibilities as a player and he also felt he had coaching responsibilities."

"He knew that Peter and some of the coaches had gone, yet he was a guy who Peter had made coach. This needs resolving. It's not good for his health. From our first conversation I told him it's important for him to decide what he wants to do.

Wilkinson also added that Quinn needs to be committed to coaching if he's going to progress and enjoy the job:

"This is a fantastic job if you want to do it, but if you don't want to do it, or you are doing it reluctantly, then it is one of the worst jobs in the world. Last year he decided to do to the World Cup, come back and then get into that deckchair."

"His ‘playing’ future is something Niall and I have to sit down and talk about. Only he can decide that one. Neither Niall nor I see this as a priority that needs to be dealt with right away. He more than anyone recognises the needs of Sunderland Football Club at this time."

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