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Holland A Villian?

Holland a Villian?

Ipswich have, according to Chairman David Sheepshank's, reluctantly agreed a fee with Aston Villa for skipper Matt Holland . The Republic of Ireland midfielder is currently in Helsinki ahead of tonight’s game with Finland, and the news was broken today via a statement on the Club website. Sheepshank's said:

"We have today most reluctantly agreed an undisclosed fee with Aston Villa for Matt Holland. The player is in Finland on international duty and has been informed by George Burley this morning. Since our relegation we undertook to inform Matt of any Premiership interest and so he will meet with Aston Villa on his return to the U.K. His agent is already in discussion with them".

Roy still very much part of it

According to John Byrne, FA Director, Roy Keane is still very much part of the Republic of Ireland National Team and the joint Euro 208 bid. Keane's picture is next to Kenny Dalglish in the glossy bid brochure highlighting the FAI and the SFAI joint bids for the European Championship 2008. Byrne told the BBC today that: “The issue is internal so it is therefore between Roy Keane and the FAI”. The Manchester United midfielder has slated the FAI preparations for major competitions, in his Book “Keane” due out very soon

Flemming the Eagle

Crystal Palace captain, Curtis Flemming is back in training after suffering a deep wound from his forehead down to his nose, which he sustained after clashing with an opponent last Tuesday against Bradford city in the Nationwide Div I.

At the time it was too deep to stitch, however the former Republic of Ireland defender has returned to training despite receiving 6 stitches. Manchester born Flemming told "Tyne Teee TV.", that his move down south, after a lengthily stay of 10 years at Middlesboro was just the tonic to enable him to break back into the Irish squad. However with Morrison (Clinton) now moved on from Selhurst Park, Mick McCarthy’s attentions may have moved away also. Flemming is now 33, played his last game for the Republic in 1998 v Mexico, and has been capped 10 times at senior level.

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