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Cloughie: Keane should apologise

Brian Clough, Roy Keane’s former boss and one of two managers that the Cork man highly admires in the world of Football, has issued an unusual piece of advice to the Irish great.

“Apologise to Mick McCarthy”.

Clough also went on to comment on how he tried to tame Keane while at Forest, before he moved to Old Trafford. Clough had this to say at his own book signing at Pride Park today: “I sent him home on one occasion at the age 17, but I think he’s learned his lesson since, and calmed down. Regarding the Mick McCarthy bust-up: If he’s man enough to cause trouble, he should be man enough to say, I was wrong, can I have another chance, and it can be mended with a few nice words.

Referring to while out in the Far East, Roy caused the biggest story of the tournament before it had even begun. Following a row with manager Mick McCarthy, Keano was sent home in disgrace

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