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Independance Hall.


Benjamin Franklins grave.

Mt. Pleasant

Mutter Museum~ beware

Lemon Hill.

Rodin Museum ~ a love story

Old Fort Mifflin.

The Delaware River Fog Art Museum

Fonthill Mansion

USS Forrestal

South Philly steaks


Boat House Row

Edgar Allen Poe

Dickens Inn

The Crying Mother

The Benjamin Franklin bridge

The Ghost of St Peter's

Eastern State Penitentiary

Academy of Music

Second Bank

~~~~~" Jumping Jack Flash" ~~~~~

Date:1905 ~ Location:2nd National Bank Philadelphia

For more than 60 years , the devil himself roamed the city of London and the English country side or so it was reported. They called it "Spring heeled Jack", a terrible being that could leap great distances and vomit blue flames into the faces of his terrified victims.

During the period between 1850 to 1904 he was reported all over England, in 1870 his vicious attacks upon young woman caused the military to set traps to try to capture him, but Spring Heeled Jack was always able to escape his pursuers, he was so brazen that he would often spring out of the darkness to smack the faces a sentry or guard.

He was always described in the same manner, a very tall figure that wore some kind of helmet, his eyes were like burning coals, his hands were like claws and he wore some kind of tight "oil skin", and he had the ability to spit fire.

No one could easily explain what Spring heeled Jack was, he was last seen in Liverpool in 1904, what happened to him? Did he disappear for good or did he come to America, perhaps stowed away aboard a ship bound for Philadelphia, one strange account seems to suggest this;

In 1905 , there was an unprecedented number of attacks on woman in Philadelphia, descriptions of the attacker were very similar to Spring heeled Jack, to similar to be a coincidence!

One attack that made the news of the day occurred in May of 1905 at the Old Second National bank, which at the time was being used as the customs house, Julia McGlone was employed as a cleaner there, she was leaving from the western side entrance which at the time was up a alley way, as she approached the front of the building were the great stair case is located, something jumped from the shadows and grabbed her, she fought her attacker and screamed as it clawed her face and neck.

Her screams had alerted a nearby policeman who tackled her assailant trying to apprehend him, he was thrown off like a rag doll, the officer then withdrew his pistol and took aim, the dark figure blew flames out of his mouth and with a great leap went to the top of the steps and made his escape.

More officers arrived on the scene but the strange assailant could not be found.

When Miss McGlone later composed herself she gave a description of her attacker, he had on a strange helmet,a tight fitting oil skin, his eyes were like fire, his hands were like claws and he blew flames from his mouth. Spring Heeled Jack ? Perhaps!

Ever see a ghost?A UFO ? Or any other paranormal experience, drop us a line if you would like to see it on line.E-MAIL



Dream Garden

Jersey Devil

City Hall

Joan of Arc

General Waynes Inn

Merch ants Exchange

First Bank

Second Bank

The Inn at Philadelphia

Betsey Ross house

Bellvue Strattford hotel

Dick Clark

Princess Grace

Elfreth's Alley

Powell House

USS United States

Cedar Grove

Baleroy Mansion

The Philadelphia Experiment

The Fisherman

Washington Square

UFOs over Philly

Head House Square

South st

City Tavern

If you have enjoyed the special effect sounds check out the site where I got them from, alot of fun~


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