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Independance Hall.


Benjamin Franklins grave ..

Mt. Pleasant

Mutter Museum~ beware

Lemon Hill ..

Rodin Museum ~ a love story

Old Fort Mifflin.

The Delaware River Fog

Art Museum .

Fonthill Mansion

USS Forrestal

South Philly steaks

McGillians .

Boat House Row

Edgar Allen Poe

Dickens Inn

The Crying Mother

The Benjamin Franklin bridge

The Ghost of St Peter's

Eastern State Penitentiary .

Academy of Music .

Date:July /1976 Location: Christ's Church cemetary,5th & Arch st- Philadelphia **=sound fx

Registered nurse, Joanna Flynn's face had an expression of befuddlement and sincerity when she related this strange occurance;

It was an extremely warm evening ,around 8:30 pm while I waited for the bus at 5th and Arch to take me home after my shift had ended at Metropolitan hospital which is a few blocks away.

I had waited at this bus stop many times , in front of old Ben Frankin's grave which is visible from the street behind iron bars , but nothing like this had ever occured before.

I guess most of the tourist had gone home or retired to their hotels becaue there was only a few people on the streets at the time, the sun was getting ready to set and I remember how very pretty the sky looked, I was deeply enthralled by the sight of it when all of a sudden I felt something hit my neck and I heard a.. "ping"** noise like a coin hitting the ground, my eye caught a penny rolling towards the curb.

I looked around to see who the jokester was but there was no one around for blocks, there was not even a bus or auto around or passing by.

I remember thinking to myself , "who in the world threw this coin at me, then! .."ping !"**. , I got hit again!,the sound of another penny hitting the ground still rings in my ears! Anger filled me, and I was ready to give this wise guy a good piece of my mind, but there was absolutly no one around.

Then it caught my eye, on top of Ben Franklin's grave people regularly throw pennies for good luck , Mr Franklin wrote, "A penny saved is a penny earned",well I'll tell you, my anger turned to fear and shock, I hurried blocks away to another corner to catch my bus, one that had more people around it. It took me months to ever pass by that corner again, but never alone, it took me some time to even relate this story to some of my co-workers, the funny thing is, one of my friends who worked at the hospital told me that it happened to her mother at the same spot many years ago!

This author recently stood on this very corner not too long ago but nothing happened, but then again, maybe if an attractive woman was to stand there, you see it's written that Ben Franklin had an eye for the ladies, drop us a line , if anything occurs.** .

Ever see a ghost?A UFO ? Or any other paranormal experiance, drop us a line if you would like to see it on line.E-MAIL


Dream Garden

Jersey Devil

City Hall

Joan of Arc

General Waynes Inn

Merch ants Exchange

First Bank

Second Bank

The Inn at Philadelphia

Betsey Ross house

Bellvue Strattford hotel

Dick Clark

Princess Grace

Elfreth's Alley

Powell House

USS United States

Cedar Grove

Baleroy Mansion

The Philadelphia Experiment

The Fisherman

Washington Square

UFOs over Philly

Head House Square

South st

City Tavern

If you have enjoyed the special effect sounds check out the site where I got them from, alot of fun~


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