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CONTENTS: | Date:THE PRESENT Location: Academy of Music- Philadelphia Built in 1857, Philadelphia's Academy of Music is one of the oldest music halls in America, many people have entered through it's doors on Broad street to be entertained and to perform, one unseen visitor has stayed, here is the account; Scores of theater goers have reported an strange encounter sitting in the upper balconies of the Academy, a "man in black" is reportedly lurking behind the last row of seating, as the lights go up for intermission or the final performance he disappears from view! Another strange phenomena is that of the "empty seat", concert goers, more often than not female concert goers have reported something unseen sitting in the empty seat next to them, the cushion of the seat actually indents and creaking noises are heard, some lovers of the arts have reported being pinched or having their hair pulled, something that could be quite scary in a darkened theater. May we recommend that you throw a coat over the empty seat next to you and declare this seat is taken! Ever see a ghost?A UFO ? Or any other paranormal experiance, drop us a line if you would like to see it on line.E-MAIL KELLYDRIVE@WEBTV.NET em> b> |
If you have enjoyed the special effect sounds check out the site where I got them from, alot of fun~ |
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