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Independence Hall.


Benjamin Franklins grave.

Mt. Pleasant

Mutter Museum~ beware

Lemon Hill.

Rodin Museum ~ a love story

Old Fort Mifflin.

The Delaware River Fog

Art Museum

Fonthill Mansion

USS Forrestal

South Philly steaks


Boat House Row

Edgar Allen Poe

Dickens Inn

The Crying Mother

The Benjamin Franklin bridge

The Ghost of St Peter's

Eastern State Penitentiary . .

Academy of Music

**=sound fx Date:1988 Associated Press Release

A 12 page news release issued by a Lieutenant aboard the USS Forrestal stated that sailors were disobeying orders to enter certain chambers of the massive 1,086 ft aircraft carrier , because they believed it to be haunted !

Seaman aboard the ship said that doors were opening and shutting by themselves, strange noises were heard coming from a storage area that had been used as an morgue and apparitions of dead sailors and officers were appearing.

Sailors were so scared they would rather disobey direct orders than to enter certain areas of the carrier.On numerous occassions an officer with "melted features" would appear and then slowly fade from view, this apparition is believed to be a Chief Petty officer who died along with 137 other sailors aboard the ship in a fire in 1967.

In 1993 the USS Forrestal was retired to the Philadelphia Navy yard

TIME: 1993 LOCATION: Philadelphia Navy yard

Welder Stan Shimborski of Port Richmond recounts this story; "I have been a welder for over 30 years and nothing like this has ever happened to me before even though I have heard stories fom other workers at the yard, the Forrestal had just been berthed at the dock, I was to report down to the freezer area to take apart some equipment, one side of the department was used for food storage while the other side of the department behind some doors had been used as a morgue, there is absolutly no natural light down there, it is very musty and very claustrophobic.

I no sooner get down to work , I hear this clanging noise , I'm thinking it's another worker down there, I get out a wrench and I clang back, "CLANG CLANG" ** **, . a few second slater . I hear this return clang, "CLANG CLANG" ** **, it sorted of jolted me, but for the heck of it I clang again, "CLANG CLANG" ** **, again a few seconds then , "CLANG CLANG" ** **, I decide to see who it was, it seemed like it was coming from the other side of the department behind the doors,I go through the doors and at the end of the long room is a Chief Petty officer horribly burned just staring at me and then he slowly fades away,.. needless to say I got out of there real fast!..



Ever see a ghost?


. A UFO ? Or any other paranormal experience, drop us a line if you would like to see it on line.E-MAIL


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Dream Garden

Jersey Devil

City Hall

Joan of Arc

General Waynes Inn

Merch ants Exchange

First Bank

Second Bank

The Inn at Philadelphia

Betsey Ross house

Bellvue Strattford hotel

Dick Clark

Princess Grace

Elfreth's Alley

Powell House

USS United States

Cedar Grove

Baleroy Mansion

The Philadelphia Experiment

The Fisherman

Washington Square

UFOs over Philly

Head House Square

South st

City Tavern

If you have enjoyed the special effect sounds check out the site where I got them from, alot of fun~


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