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Dr. Aquatics - Tropicalfish and Plants


This website is for the Freshwater Tropicalfish Hobbyist; beginner or advanced. Within these pages you will find a variety of articles about aquarium plants and tropicalfish and there care.

Now a little bit of info about me. I began in this hobby back in 1972. My brother became interested in tropicalfish about 6 years before me and he was the one who got me my first aquarium. We always had many aquariums around the house; to the point that between the two of us, we took over my parents house with our aquariums. They finally told both of us that we could only keep two tanks each. My brother kept his tanks in the living room and I put mine in the basement in an old storage room used for firewood. This gave me more room for more tanks.

As I became older, I became interested in the breeding side of tropicalfish keeping. I set up 6 more aquariums in what I was now calling "the fishroom". The first fish I bred was Red Velvet Swordtails. Eventually I bred all the livebearers. I then went on to tackle the more difficult species of tetras, rasboras and barbs. Then on to the catfish and sharks. During this time, I started to subscribe to Tropicalfish Hobbyist Magazine. I reveled in the adventures and new discoveries of Dr. Herbert Axelrod. It was because of his many visits to South America, Central America, The Rift Lakes of South Africa, etc., that all the tropicalfish hobbyists today can enjoy the fish they have in there tanks. Many of the tropicalfish found in pet shops today can be traced back to wild specimens caught by Dr. Herbert Axelrod and his team of experts in the field of ichthyology.

I now have only two aquariums in my living room. Between work and married life, I don't have too much time to devote to alot of tanks, so the two I have will have to do for now.

I hope you will enjoy the "zine" and all the info and articles.

Dr. Aquatics

Setting Up An Aquarium ~ Page 1
Articles of Interest ~ Page 2
Articles of Interest ~ Page 3
Articles of Interest ~ Page 4
Articles of Interest ~ Page 5
Articles of Interest ~ Page 6
Articles of Interest ~ Page 7
Articles of Interest ~ Page 8
Betta in a Vase - Avoid this Craze ~ Page 9

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