Captain, the white and red spheroid is heading straight for this quadrant
at Warp 9.9!
First off, I will take you on a brief but highly-opinionated tour
of the major league ballparks. This page is still being built, but
may be finished before Miller Park? Afterward, time/space/desire
permitting, I will include some deeper articles on specific baseball topics.
You are welcome to add your own, easily done by clicking this.
Will be adding links to the teams, and to any good photos or sites for
individual ballparks, as I go along. Muchas Gracias to the "Ballparks
by Munsey & Suppes" Web-site for links to info and photos of the defunct

STADIUM, Anaheim Angels,
Anaheim CA
It WAS Anaheim Stadium, and the tenants were the California Angels,
when I first attended a game here in September, 1993. As of may,
2000 it became my nearest major league park, so have gotten to [oversized
local electric utility] Field of Anaheim a few times since. This
despite my indifference towards both the team, and this huge suburban stadium.
Yes, it was made more baseball-friendly after the Rams left for Saint Louis,
including a waterfall/fountain set-up behind the center field fence.
Unfortunately, the Angel fans remain the least attentive I have come across,
with more cheers for a beach ball in the stands, and boos when it lands
on the field.
[The Angels played their first 4 seasons in Los 1961 at
the former minor-league Wrigley
Field (still need to track down that site), and 1962-65 at Chavez
Ravine Stadium (you'd know it better as Dodger Stadium)]
Rangers, Arlington TX
Have so far seen only the outside of the new place, while dashing back
to DFW from the Oklahoma trip of 1/95…the facade makes it look like it's
really the Texas Cattle Co. HQ, or certainly some office building, not
a ballpark? (Not a complain, mind you…Fenway's outside has that same
weird charm, though with less parking around it, ha!!)
STADIUM, Arlington TX
Was obviously a modified minor league park while it lasted, with no
real upper deck and an oversized bleacher section, and it was 93 degrees
at game time for my 9/92 visit. However, had a decent time here.
TURNER FIELD, Atlanta Braves,
Atlanta GA
This was only the early stages of a hole in the ground my last trip
to Atlanta. From pix and WGN-TV, looks more like a ballpark than
that former salad bowl?
I was only down to Atlanta once during baseball season, and then the
Braves were sold out the entire weekend. The look of the park (typical
60's cookie-cutter) would not have been a draw for me, but hey Hank hit
#715 there!
CAMDEN YARDS, Baltimore Orioles,
Baltimore MD
I could see what all the crowing was about! What New Comiskey
coulda been, had they cared about baseball fans or aesthetics. An
awkward, beautiful place, visited in April '94. Seemed to be good
fans, at least where I was sitting.
STADIUM, Baltimore MD
One of the first deliberate "multi-purpose" (read compromise) parks,
or it least it seemed so. Was probably a better football stadium, what
with the bleacher type seats even in fair territory, and lack of upper
deck roof was brutal on a hot day in May '91.
Red Sox, Boston MA
Neat old band box, fun so long as you don't insist on driving there
or on a comfortable seat, or on holding off dinner 'til you get there.
Have now been there twice…on my own in June '93, and with north shore pal
Rac Cooney in May of 1998. Keep hearing low mumblings of a replacement
park, but
the strongest advocates strongly insist it be in the same area as the current
park (neighborhood businesses be damned), and they haven't quite figured
out who'll pay for it, so yes there is strong
objection to the plan. Commentary from Rac Cooney later in this
FIELD, Boston MA
OK, so the Braves moved to Milwaukee 6½ years before I was even
born, but pieces still exist…the ticket office is a Boston University police
station, and the right field line bleacher section is the grandstand for
Boston University's Nickerson football field, gate open for me to walk
in, in 6/93.
Chicago Cubs, Chicago IL
Not THAT small…hey, it's 354 down the lines, though those little inward
curves make the power alleys a bit short. The ivy-covered brick wall
is what, 12 feet high? The Cubs have a great old park, and when the
Cubs are in the midst of seasons such as '83 or '97 that's about
ALL they have! Usually the park's enough for frequent sell-outs,
even when folks even dare to think of boycotting the team until the Tribune
multimegaCorp finally wakes up!
LAKEFRONT PARK, Chicago White Stockings, Chicago IL
Long as I'm starting to add defunct locations…People visiting the Chicago
Cultural Center, the former main library on Michigan between Randolph and
Washington, could look across Michigan Ave, and have trouble imagining
that the narrow strip between the street and the railroad tracks used to
be a ballpark. Well, this was the original home of the White Stockings
(now Cubs), for their first season in 1876. Photos I've seen do show
a wacky bowling-alley of a field squeezed into the site.
[D'oh! Several times I had been around where their "West
Side Grounds", approximately Polk & Wood Sts., but not since I
found out that was where they played during their 2 World Series wins (1907-08)]
COMISKEY PARK dah second, Chicago White
Sox, Chicago IL
A bland, suburban-type stadium, built on the ruins of a tavern in 1991,
across the street from the former Baseball Palace of the World. Much
of the upper deck is higher than the uppermost seats at the old place.
If you build it, they will yawn. The lower deck food and shopping
court has inspired more than one reference to "Comiskey Mall". I
will say this though, it gets a undeserved bad rep for being in a "bad"
PARK, Chicago IL
A functional enough concrete & steel ballpark, built in 1910 by
the namesake guy who inspired Eight Men Out [which was actually filmed
in Indianapolis], and torn down in 1991 for a parking lot by the guy who
re-popularized the term "dork".
STADIUM, Cincinnati Reds,
Cincinnati OH
One of those round, multi-purpose urban-renewal parks (which I often
call "ash-trays" or "salad bowls") from the late 60s & early 70s.
Was the first stop on our May '91 Ballpark Tour, and was of course the
interesting stop, unless you count my visit to Gold Star chili parlor en
route (yum). Has some corporate-sponsorship name now. Also,
supposed to be replaced
eventually, though this has been delayed as the city is building the NFL
Bengals a new pen first.
JACOBS FIELD, Cleveland Indians,
Cleveland OH
Got to this new/old park in June 1994…after this and Camden, I could
only mutter all the more about the schlock spot White Sox fans got stuck
STADIUM, Cleveland OH
Last stop on the May '91 ballpark tour, and if I remember right our
only home-team win on that trip? The stories were mostly true, a
cold, cavernous stadium on the gray lakefront, built for the '32 Olympics
which wound up being held in Los Angeles.
FIELD, Colorado Rockies,
Denver CO
Have so far only been outside the place, while still under construction
in July of ‘94. Built into the side of the Platte river bluff, so
is much bigger than it looks from the Blake St. entrance!
Was hard to tell from the layout in July '94, but Mile High really
was a baseball stadium first, only to be expanded mercilessly for football.
71,500 easily the biggest crowd ever at a baseball game I've attended,
and that was not even a sell-out? Lots of runs as expected, but many
were thanks to a near-record number of walks by Cardinal pitchers. Where
every seat was a nose-bleed seat, if you come from a place only 600 feet
above sea level. Remained open for several more NFL Bronco seasons,
though I guess it has or will be disappearing soon.
COMERICA PARK, Detroit Tigers,
Detroit MI
Have not yet seen the new, rent-a-name stadium on the northeast side
of downtown.
Fans of the old Comiskey would find this place felt almost like home…until
it got replaced in time for Opening Day 2000, the Tigers’ first one ever
away from “the Corner” of Michigan & Trumbull. Had been to Tiger twice,
in July 1991 I think, and again just this May, and it rained both occasions.
ROBBIE STADIUM, Florida Marlins,
far northern Dade county, FL
Have only driven by and flown over this football stadium with the baseball
field squeezed in. Has some corporate-sponsor name now.
ENRON FIELD, Houston Astros, Houston
The Astros’ new (2000) home was not even a dream last time I would
have been near it (Labor Day ’92). Supposed to have one of those
retractable roofs so fashionable amongst team owners these days.
Houston TX
…where they have this dance they call the Tighten-Up! First of the
domes, and to blame for the scourge they call Astroturf. Considering the
inside has not been exposed to the outside elements since the roof was
finished in '64, sure looked like the inside concrete needed a sand-blast
job. Small crowd for a holiday day game, Labor Day '92, where I first heard
news of the firing of baseball's last commissioner (on the Astros' Spanish
station, KXYZ). The Astrodome was replaced by a new downtown park
at the start of the 2000 campaign.
KAUFMANN STADIUM, Kansas City Royals,
Kansas City MO
I deliberately waited for the turf to be replaced with real grass before
my first inside visit. Well tended grass, at that! Feels too
much like New Comiskey, though with a slightly more fan-friendly design.
Was there 7/97, way out by the far edge of right field, over-looking the
fountains, a near sell-out thanks to it being Jackie Robinson Night. (Darn,
I forgot to track down Municipal Stadium when I had the chance, and have
to go back for the new Negro Leagues museum!!)
STADIUM, Los Angeles Dodgers,
Los Angeles CA
The epitome of modren suburban ballparks…and by 2001 will be the National
League's 2nd-oldest. Which reminds me, did I not just hear some low
rumblings of possible replacement? Would be for the usual scourge,
the dreaded skybox addiction. Such talk may have been put off awhile
by the addition of suites and a private club at ground level, behind home
plate?! Was here the first time just after Labor Day of 1993.
Swell views from the upper deck, and from the south parking lot while waiting
for the post-game traffic to filter down the hill. Because of it
being on top of a hill, despite Dodger Stadium being near downtown it still
feels very isolated, just like a suburban park. Heck, there’s not
even any bus service! I live just a county away now so am stuck with
going here more often (though I got to San Diego twice for NL games first!)
Have so far been only outside this huge shallow bowl of an arena, the
awkward first home of the LA Bums (1958 to what, 1960?)
Milwaukee WI
When finished, one odd looking, expensive ballpark for opening day
2001! Was maybe half-finished last time I was by it, just before
the construction-delaying roof collapse of 7/99.
STADIUM, Milwaukee Brewers,
Milwaukee WI
First of the suburban-style setups, near nothing but a couple of freeways
and a large parking lot. Would have been better off downtown, but
they make do…fun tailgate parties before games, best ballpark bratwurst,
large grandstand. A chunk of parking lot is now being filled in with
Miller Park, scheduled to be ready for Opening Day 2001, maybe. Got
here a number of times during my Chicago days, most recently for McGwire’s
65th (and shoulda-been-66th) homer of 1998.
HHH METRODOME, Minnesota Twins,
Minneapolis MN
My vote for goofiest ballpark, the logical first location if they started
an “Arena Baseball” league. I can say no more, though at least the
elements outside the day I attended in April '92 (40 & rain) made me
happy for a roof overhead. Faint smell of "lame duck" in the air,
as moving the franchise (again, being the former Washington Senators the
First) seems more practical than funding a 3rd new park since 1960?!
STADIUM, Bloomington MN
Never did see the Twins' first Minnesota home. Closest I've come
was to spot the red seat hanging high in the rafters of the Mall of America,
supposedly marking the exact spot where the longest Metropolitan home-run
blast landed. Off the bat of Harmon Killebrew, natch.
OLYMPIQUE, Montréal Expos,
Montréal QC
An oversized track stadium with a tarp for a roof…not quite the Humptydome,
but nearly as goofy! Kinda musty on a hot summer night in June of
‘94, too. Was also there 7/89, when they still opened the hole-in-the-ceiling
every so often…so of course there was a mid-game rain delay! Dreams
of a new downtown
ballpark, but the price-tag on their current place is still hurting
the city. Parlez-vous
JARRY, Montréal QC
The Expos' first home, only slightly expanded from its days as a AAA
park. Still exists, though unfortunately fenced up in such a way
that one can see little of the inside, aargh. {Will they need a minor
league ball park again soon? Stay Tuned!}
SHEA STADIUM, New York Mets, Flushing
Not as bad as expected…Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy upgraded it
to "Mostly Harmless" :). Visited 4/94. Weird factoid--if they
filled in the outfield hole with the same seat layout as in the grandstand,
the plane noise would be heard from 90,000 seats?!?
YANKEE STADIUM, New York Yankees,
the Bronx NY
Nice place actually, though I regret not getting there before the mid-70s
refurbishment. Did get there on a nice night in May '91, on the Baseball
Tour of course, hosting the Red Sox so the crowd was, shall we say, really
into the game? Yet they were razzing Steinbrenner as loudly as they
were Boston.
Athletics, Oakland CA
I moved to Oakland in 1981, but did not attend a game here until 1984.
In '81 I was still in my avoiding-baseball period, but would snap out of
it in '82. After that, just thought the Coliseum was another concrete
bowl. In many ways, yes it is, but once I started going I enjoyed
the rest of the atmosphere for my many visits between 1984 and ‘87.
Not sure I want to see it after the lure-back-the-Raiders desecration of
the outfield stands, never mind the current rent-a-name, but I do have
a visit scheduled for late Sept. 2000.
Phillies, Philadelphia PA
I hate "turf", and the cookie-cutter/ashtray/soup-bowls, though at
least this one is more like a rounded rectangle. Went during a dismal
losing streak in 5/91, part of the Baseball Tour, and only the Phanatic
and the Expos were entertaining that night. Another team hoping for
a new ballpark.
Arizona Diamondbacks, Phoenix
From the outside it looks like a large downtown mall, but surprisingly
it looks almost like a ballpark on the inside…my favorite of the roofed
parks so far. Right before game time, the sectioned roof was opened
with a spooky background song, so we got a patch of open air on a comfortable
April evening in 2000.
More on my Phoenix visit in the travel section.
STADIUM, Pittsburgh Pirates,
Pittsburgh PA
They tore down Forbes for this? Yep, another multi-purpose stadium
with a concrete floor. At least there was a big crowd the night I
went (10/9/92, NL playoff), and they sell Iron City beer! A new baseball-only
park is being built after all, to be ready for 2001 already!
FIELD, Pittsburgh PA
All that's left is home plate, inside one of the U. of Pittsburgh buildings
now on the site, and a chunk of the outfield wall where Maz's drive beat
the Yankees in 1960.
Saint Louis Cardinals, Saint
Louis MO
Eek, another cookie-cutter 60s stadium, but at least the Cardinals
have good fans, the grass is back (gotta get back to see it myself!) and
they've monkeyed around with the field layout now that football is played
in its own indoor heated building. Have been to Busch 5 times total
(4 vs the Cubs), in 1969, 71, 73 and 93.
TROPICANA DOME, Tampa Bay Devil Rays,
Saint Petersburg FL
It only looks like the roof is caving in. Haven't been inside
yet, but was outside it in January, 1992, or at least 2 names ago?
"Built It, And They Will Come…Eventually!"
San Diego CA
Now just one county away, and have been here twice since my move west
(June and August of 2000). Has been expanded over the years for football,
to the point where the place felt empty despite both games drawing over
40k! Has some corporate-rented name these days, which I neither know
nor care to know. Starting to build a baseball-only
place on the waterfront downtown, ETA 2003?
San Diego adventures in the Travel section.
PARK, San Francisco Giants, San
Francisco CA
In a much more sensible location than the Stick, just south of downtown.
Better weather, nearer to transportation, and if there's a corporate name
at least they're paying for part of the actual construction costs.
Opened in April 2000, and no weekend tickets were left by the time I thought
to order in February. Will try to check out the outside anyway if/when
I get back up to the Bay area.
PARK, San Francisco CA
Went here often while I lived in SF. Yes, a cold windy place…what
were they thinking when they picked this location?? One time, my
first day back from a hot, sweaty midwest trip in 1987, we were at times
able to pick out a game going on in the fog here?!
STADIUM, San Francisco CA
The site of the former AAA park, used by the Giants in 1958-59, sensibly
located at about 16th and Bryant. Had long ago been replaced by an
auto mall. Walked by the site one afternoon on my way to a Giants game…70s
and sunny here, 58 and light fog at the 'Stick.
Seattle Mariners, Seattle WA
I hadn’t thought to look for the construction site on my 9/97 Kingdome
visit…was it even started by then? Was already open for business
by July ’99.
Seattle WA
Hardly the grey, grim insides I was expecting (and had actually gotten
to see before, though for a soccer game only, in 1980). Of course
I missed the grey, grim pre-Junior years. Lots of fun here on Labour
Day, 1997.
SKYDOME, Toronto
Blue Jays, Toronto ON
Like being inside a giant pinball machine, especially when the crowd
is "on" (as they were until Lance Johnson shut them up for one evening
in October, 1993). I hate domes of course, so would like to go back
to SkyDome one summer afternoon, but at least the roof is too high to affect
too many pop-ups. Also, that night it was about 35º (2º
celsius) outside. And, the Blue Jays' former home was no great shakes...
PARK, Toronto ON
In May, 1979 the Blue Jays were still deep in 100-loss-a-season mode,
still no beer allowed, and still this place that looked a bit awkward even
for its originally intended (football) use?!
Washington DC
OK, so the Senators (version 2.0) were about 17 seasons gone before
I even saw the outside of this place. From the outside, another of
those 60s-era soup bowls, but photos of the inside show a melted-looking
Growing up, I was definitely a "Cubs fan", except too many bum moves
by Cubs manglement, uh management would scare me away. Now, I just
follow baseball as a sport, with as much interest in the minors as in the
Corporate Names and Red Sox
– Rac Cooney
The new stadium for the New England Patriots will be named after an
internet-related firm, CMGI (it will be CMGI Field and will open in a couple
of years). It's the latest corporate selling-of-the name to a new stadium.
At least it helps to get the thing built ($8 Million [a year] over
15 years…) No doubt Red Sox will have to go same route—and whatever
it winds up being, it won't be the same as calling it "Fenway Park" or
"New Fenway". Then
again, opposition by local
residents and the Boston City Council may kill the plan for a new stadium
In some ways, Red Sox plan makes sense: have it right across from
where the current stadium is, and help the neighborhood. But it will
also mean a lot more (car) traffic to the neighborhood, etc. (Also
a lot of "foot traffic" buying things, though!!) And the Sox plan
to shoehorn a stadium into a very small piece of land (and keep the weird
dimensions of the old park--why not put extra seats in left field instead
of building a replica of the "Green Monster" left field wall? The
only reason that wall exists is because there's no room for seats--there's
a street!)
And the Sox could have had a site right on the Waterfront, lots
of room, scenic place--but the residents of South Boston said no to more
car traffic. Not many other places the Sox can go…into the suburbs,
maybe? Could be, but you want a ballpark IN THE CITY--for easy access
plus it doesn't feel right to have a park in the suburbs; you want it an
active part of the city.
The Red Sox problem is this: they can't afford good talent until
they get an owner with "deep pockets". Right now they're run by a
trust and the trust won't sell the team till a new stadium is built.
And if a new stadium isn't built, there will be many, many more years without
championships--and maybe the Sox wouldn't even be competitive.
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